ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Formation mechanism and reactivation analyses of large ancient landslides in the meandering trough valley of the upper Minjiang River: A case study of the Yuanbazi ancient landslide in Songpan County

    • 摘要: 岷江上游靠近分水岭部位的槽谷曲流河段,由于地壳抬升缓慢,河谷宽、岸坡缓,降雨量相对偏少,通常被认为发生大型滑坡的可能性较小。但通过笔者近年来的调查发现,在岷江上游红桥关至西宁关的槽谷曲流段两岸大型滑坡密集发育,且大多具有地震滑坡的特征,同时个别滑坡受后期江水冲刷、工程开挖等因素影响复活。文章选取其中较为典型的元坝子滑坡为例进行解剖,元坝子滑坡位于岷江曲流凹岸,长780 m,宽480 m,体积293×104 m3。通过地质分析、测年鉴定和数值模拟,认为该滑坡是历史地震引发的大型岩质古滑坡,其发展经历了斜坡裂缝、地震滑坡、河流下切和前缘复活等阶段。稳定性计算结果显示,目前滑坡整体天然工况下稳定性好,极端暴雨工况下欠稳定,受江水冲刷、降雨、融雪等因素影响,出现局部变形复活。建议应加强滑坡变形监测,避免整体滑动造成堵江、威胁成兰铁路安全。


      Abstract: It is usually considered that there is less occurrences and rare possibility of large landslides in the meandering valley near the waterhead in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, since this area has slow uplift of the earth’s crust, wide valley, slow bank slope, and less rainfall. However, it is found by the author’s survey in recent years that there are a lot of large landslides developed along the meandering river in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River from the Hongqiao Pass to the Xining Pass. Most of them are characterized by seismic landslides, and a few landslides have the signs of resurrection under the influence of river scouring and later engineering excavation. The Yuanbazi ancient landslide is selected as a typical example. This landslide developed on the concave bank of the Minjiang River, and is 780 m long and 480 m wide, and has a volume of 293×104 m3. Based on geological analysis, dating and numerical simulation, it is considered that this landslide is a typical large-scale rock ancient landslide in the area triggered by historical earthquakes, and it has experienced the evolution process of slope cracking, earthquake landslide, river downcutting and resurrection of the front. The stability calculation results show that the whole of landslide will be steady under the natural condition, and will be unsteady under the rainstorm conditions. Due to river erosion, rainfall, melting snow and other factors, local deformation and resurrection occurred. It is suggested that the monitoring of the landslide deformation should be strengthened to avoid blocking the river and threatening the safety of the Chengdu-Lanzhou Railway.


