ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P
    Articles in press have been peer-reviewed and accepted, which are not yet assigned to volumes /issues, but are citable by Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
    The impact of surface water-groundwater interactions on the fate and transport of typical PFAS
    GUO Zhilin, ZHAO Dongwei, PENG Zhanxiang, ZHAI Xuchen
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202409027
    Abstract PDF
    Application Research of Precipitation Dynamic Compaction Technology in the Treatment of Silty Clay Sites: A Case Study of Yangluo Tieshui
    LAN Mingqing, QIU Min
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202403046
    Abstract PDF
    Anisotropic frost heaving coefficient of saturated permafrost considering moisture migration process based on standards
    GE Hui, GUO Chunxiang, ZHANG Lei
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202312037
    Abstract PDF
    Study on Duncan-Chang damage constitutive model of saturated compacted loess
    YANG Haoming, HUANG Qiangbing, XIE Qingyu, CUI Lei, KANG Xiaosen, WANG Zuochen
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202406051
    Abstract PDF
    An experimental study on strength degradation of soft interlayer during dry and wet cycling based on 3D printing technology
    LIU Hao, ZHANG Wen, LU Lei
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202406031
    Abstract PDF
    Comparison Study of Horizontal Push-Pile Model Tests between Non-Beam Double-Row Anti-Slide Piles and Single-Row Anti-Slide Piles
    TANG Ke, ZHENG Da, CHENG Rusong
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202404004
    Abstract PDF
    Seepage control effect and sensitivity analysis of anti-seepage measures for sand-mudstone interbedded foundation
    WEN Lifeng, SUN Shaobo, LI Yanlong, WANG Minxia, ZHANG Chen, TIAN Xin
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202312023
    Abstract PDF
    Shear strength and crushing characteristics of calcareous sand in South China Sea under the influence of three factors
    ZHU Jianfeng, LI Ting, JU Luying, YANG Hao
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202312017
    Abstract PDF
    Stability analysis of slag heap in ‘scoop-shaped’ valley area based on multi-profile residual thrust method
    YU Yanyan, ZHAO Yi, FANG Yi, LU Minfeng, ZHU Jiewen, TANG Zhaohui, CHAI Bo
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202312013
    Abstract PDF
    Landslide susceptibility evaluation considering the importance selection of influencing factors and soil moisture content
    WANG Zhongyu, LI Sumin, YUAN Liwei, LE Weipeng
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202309009
    Abstract PDF
    Seepage characteristics of accumulation landslides under different types of heavy rainfall stability analysis
    SHI Hao, LI Yuanyao, XU Yilin, ZHENG Yang, CHEN Kehan, MA Yinliang
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202309046
    Abstract PDF
    Development and distribution characteristics of geohazards based on sedimentary-structural evolution in Xide County, southwest Sichuan
    XIONG Xiaohui, BAI Yongjian, TIE Yongbo, GAO Yanchao, GE Hua, XU Wei, GONG Lingfeng, WANG Jiazhu, TIAN Kai, HE Menglong, ZHU Zhihua
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202309050
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of geological hazards and it’s mitigations of the Ms6.8 earthquake in Luding County, Sichuan Province
    TIE Yongbo, ZHANG Xianzheng, LU Jiayan, LIANG Jingtao, WANG Donghui, MA Zhigang, LI Zongliang, LU Tuo, SHI Shengwei, LIU Minsheng, BA Renji, HE Longjiang, ZHANG Xinke, GAN Wei, CHEN Kai, GAO Yanchao, BAI Yongjian, GONG Lingfeng, ZENG Xiaowen, XU Wei
    DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202209029
    Abstract PDF
    Speciation and mobilization of ultra-trace Hg(II) in groundwater
    PI Kunfu, WANG Yanxin, LIU Juewen, YANG Ya’nan, PHILIPPE Van Cappellen
    2025, 52(2): 1-13. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202410014
    Abstract PDF
    Radiocarbon dating of Quaternary groundwater in the North China Plain and its implication to 14C correction
    LI Jie, XIE Yuxi, TIAN Lijun, XING Yifei, LIU Yulian, JIAO Xuan, FEI Shuchen
    2025, 52(2): 14-24. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202409049
    Abstract PDF
    Review of techniques and case studies for saline-alkali land amelioration in the coastal regions of China
    LYU Hang, ZHAO Yue, GONG Xulong, WAN Jiajun, GUO Hui, XU Shugang
    2025, 52(2): 25-43. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202407052
    Abstract PDF
    Numerical investigation on the non-Darcy flow in fractures under the joint influence of fracture dilation and inertial effect
    DAI Junyi, WANG Lichun, SUN Xiaolin
    2025, 52(2): 44-52. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202403026
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of groundwater circulation in typical karst trough areas:A case study of Longtan trough valley in Youyang, Chongqing
    LI Lian, TANG Yueer, YANG Yan, YE Xuchun, KONG Zhigang
    2025, 52(2): 53-62. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202403044
    Abstract PDF
    Characteristics of water absorption capacity of weathered sandstone based on nuclear magnetic resonance and wave velocity testing
    NIU Ran, JIANG Xiaowei, YAN Yongshuai, OUYANG Kaigao, SUN Xianchun, YAN Hongbin, WAN Li
    2025, 52(2): 63-71. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202403055
    Abstract PDF
    Progress in developments and applications of the HYDRUS model and associated coupling model packages
    WANG Taotao, ZHANG Bei, CHEN Huihua, HUI Jianwei, HAO Long, CHEN Liang
    2025, 52(2): 72-84. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202403006
    Abstract PDF
    Mechanical mechanism and parameters sensitivity analysis of the steel frame-geotextile system for the pre-reinforcement of flow plastic soil
    TANG Liansheng, DU Jijie, HUANG Jianing, CHEN Yang, CHENG Zihua, DING Weiya
    2025, 52(2): 85-93. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202404058
    Abstract PDF
    Finite strain elastoplastic constitutive model of saturated soil
    WENG Tianci, XIONG Yonglin, HAN Zhe
    2025, 52(2): 94-103. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202404002
    Abstract PDF
    Determination of the optimal row distance for double row piles and the calculation method for earth pressure between piles
    TANG Ke, ZHAO Hua, TANG Xuefeng, CHENG Rusong
    2025, 52(2): 104-113. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202402039
    Abstract PDF
    Deformation and safety control limits of shield tunnel under surface loading effects
    BIAN Rong, WU Bing, SUN Yongjun, WENG Tianci, XIONG Yonglin
    2025, 52(2): 114-124. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202312034
    Abstract PDF
    Development of overlying strata collapse and water-conducting fractured zone in shallow coal seams mining
    SHANG Hui, LIU Sihang, GAN Zhihui, SU Lixiang, LIU Yang
    2025, 52(2): 125-137. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202309025
    Abstract PDF
    Erosion fluidization mechanism of landslide debris flow based on solid-liquid coupling
    HUO Zihao, ZHANG Shilin, HU Xiewen, XIE Weiwei, TANG Jianfeng, HE Xurong, WANG Wenpei
    2025, 52(2): 138-149. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202401014
    Abstract PDF
    Combination of InSAR and neural networks for the deformation monitoring and prediction of Fanjiaping landslide
    XU Wenzheng, LU Shuqiang, LIN Zhen, ZHOU Wangmin
    2025, 52(2): 150-163. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202308028
    Abstract PDF
    Seepage-induced sand-leakage karst collapse mechanism considering the soil arching effect
    GAO Xu, WU Shi, YAN Echuan, XIONG Qihua, CHEN Nuo
    2025, 52(2): 164-172. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202309031
    Abstract PDF
    Genesis of high-sulfate geothermal water in the Namcha Barwa syntaxis, eastern Xizang
    DENG Chengdong, ZHANG Yunhui, YUAN Xingcheng, WANG Ying, LYU Guosen, LI Xingze
    2025, 52(2): 173-189. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202407008
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics and evolution process for hot spring gas of the north-south graben system in Qinghai−Xizang Plateau
    QUAN Sanyu, WANG Yingchun, TANG Xin, ZHOU Jinlin, LUO Lu, SONG Rongcai
    2025, 52(2): 190-202. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202401037
    Abstract PDF
    Geochemical characteristics of hot spring fluids in the Xunwu-Shicheng fault zone of southern Jiangxi
    XIAO Fuqiang, ZOU Yongjun, ZHANG Shuanglong, QI Xing, XIAO Weidong
    2025, 52(2): 203-216. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202401009
    Abstract PDF
    Geothermal characteristics and high-yield geothermal well parameters in the Baimiaozi sag of Huhe depression
    MA Zhanxiong, YAN Fugui, LI Ming, ZHANG Qing, HAN Jing, ZHAO Junbin
    2025, 52(2): 217-228. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202408024
    Abstract PDF
    Research on the efficient development of shallow geothermal energy: Experimental and numerical investigations on the heat transfer characteristics of the soil-cement energy pile
    RONG Huimin, ZHOU Xun, WANG Lizhi, ZHENG Jia, LI Qimin
    2025, 52(2): 229-237. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202401024
    Abstract PDF
    Application of audio frequency magnetotelluric 3D prospecting in a hot area exploration
    ZHAO Wenlong, TANG Yuhao, ZHANG Shuo, ZHOU Chao
    2025, 52(2): 238-247. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202310018
    Abstract PDF
    Exploration of methods for Cr(Ⅵ) pollution remediation in karst groundwater
    WANG Kesan
    2025, 52(2): 248-254. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202407014
    Abstract PDF