ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Research on mechanism of freezing-thawing deterioration of gneisses in the Taxian area of Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 新疆塔县地区广泛分布小规模岩质崩塌,是该地区频繁爆发泥石流的主要物源。调查发现,这些崩塌主要受区域性节理和风化作用控制。为揭示塔县地区岩体冻融劣化及崩塌机理,本文选取崩塌岩体中岩性比例最高的片麻岩,在干燥和饱和条件下进行不同次数的冻融循环试验,通过SEM电镜扫描和吸水率、大开空隙率以及质量损失测试,研究片麻岩样微观结构和宏观物理特性的变化。结果表明,在内部应力以及冻胀力的作用下,片麻岩微观结构发生劣化,联结较弱颗粒的破碎、剥落以及微观裂隙的扩展导致斜坡表层岩体强度降低,抗风化能力下降。而在冻融循环作用的长期影响下,这种风化作用会逐渐进入坡体内部,最终导致连续小规模崩塌,并在坡脚处堆积,为泥石流提供物源。


      Abstract: Collapses controlled by joints and freezing-thawing weathering widely occur in the Taxian area of Xinjiang. In order to reveal the mechanisms of freezing-thawing deterioration of rock mass and collapse formation, samples of gneiss are examined from the aspects of microstructure and physico-mechanical characteristics in freezing-thawing cyclic tests of different times in the dry and fully saturated states. The research results show that the microstructural deterioration of gneiss, which is caused by peeling of internal particle and propagation of microcrack, reduces the strength and intensifies weathering of rock mass. The long-term freezing-thawing cyclic effect may causes collapses, which provide source for debris flows.


