ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Characteristics of the aquifer structure and groundwater conversion model in the northeastern Yunying Basin

    • 摘要: 云应盆地东北部属鄂北贫水地区,赋存于古近系—第四系含水层中的地下水是当地生产、生活用水的主要来源,亟需查明含水层的结构、含水层间地下水的转化关系等基本条件,为研究区内合理开发利用地下水提供依据。本研究通过野外水文地质调查、水文地质钻探工作,将研究区划分为单层含水层与双层含水层结构两个亚区(6个小区)。并通过地下水水位动态长期监测,获取了区内不同含水层的水位动态变化特征,分析各含水层之间的水力联系,建立了区域地下水转化的概念模式,即:研究区地下水以接受山前降雨入渗及风化裂隙水侧向径流补给为主,主要以水平径流的形式经古近系孔隙-裂隙含水层及第四系孔隙承压含水层往澴水方向运移,而后进入第四系孔隙潜水含水层。地下水和地表水在不同季节补排模式不同,雨季地表水(澴水)补给地下水,旱季地下水向地表水(澴水)排泄。古近系孔隙-裂隙水与上覆第四系孔隙水联系密切互为补给,共同构成具有统一水力联系的垂向多层结构的含水系统。独特的含水层结构决定了区内地下水接受降水补给的条件较差,地下水可开采资源量总体较贫乏,建议重点利用区域地表水资源,适度开发地下水资源,推进农业节水灌溉工程,实现水资源可持续利用。


      Abstract: Water resources are rare in the northeast part of the Yunying Basin in northern Hubei. Groundwater in the Paleogene-Quaternary aquifers is the main source of water for production and domestic use. It is urgent to examine the aquifer structure and the relation of groundwater conversion between the aquifers, and provide the hydrogeological basis for the rational development and utilization of groundwater in this area. Through hydrogeological survey and drilling, the study area is divided into two sub-regions (six subregions), and the dynamic characteristics of groundwater levels of different aquifers are obtained by long-term monitoring of groundwater level dynamics. A model describing the relationship between aquifer recharge, runoff and excretion is established. The groundwater receives recharge from rainfall and lateral runoff recharge of weathered fissure groundwater in the metamorphic rocks, and mainly discharges in the form of horizontal runoff through the Paleogene pore-fissure aquifer and Quaternary pore confined aquifer, and then flows into the unconsolidated unconfined aquifer. Groundwater and surface water supplement and excrete each other in different seasons. The pore-fissure groundwater is closely related to the pore groundwater, which is recharged to each other and forms a vertical multi-layer water-bearing system with unified hydraulic connection. The unique aquifer structure determines the conditions for groundwater receiving poor recharge in the region, and the groundwater resources are generally poor. It is recommended to focus on the use of regional surface water resources, moderately develop groundwater resources, promote agricultural water-saving irrigation projects, and realize sustainable use of water resources.


