ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Methods and contents of geological safety evaluation for urban underground space development and utilization

    • 摘要: 城市地下空间地质安全评价是地下空间资源开发利用的基础,但尚未见针对其评价原理、内容和方法进行的系统研究。文章以主要服务于控制性详细规划和修建性详细规划为目标,提出了城市地下空间开发利用地质安全评价三方面的内容:(1)地下空间自身稳定性评价,分浅埋、深埋硐室对围岩稳定性计算方法进行了评价,在修正的芬纳公式的基础上提出了以硐室围岩表面刚好达到剪切塑性极限为临界条件的围岩稳定性计算方法;同时通过构建地质模型,模拟不同工况下硐室稳定性,获取大量样本数据,利用神经网络方法分析建立求解器,从而建立地下空间自身稳定性的快速评价系统。(2)城市地下空间开发引起的邻近工程稳定性影响评价,从地下空间开发对地面工程的影响以及地下工程之间相互影响两方面梳理了评价的内容。(3)后建地面工程对地下工程稳定性的影响评价,提出了通过原位监测、数值分析及工程类比等方法对后建地面工程对地下工程稳定性的影响进行评价。


      Abstract: Geological safety evaluation of urban underground space is the basis for the development and utilization of underground space resources. However, the content, principle and method of the evaluation have not been systematically studied. Aiming at serving controlling detailed planning and construction detailed planning, this paper puts forward three aspects of the evaluation of geological safety for the development and utilization of urban underground space. One is the evaluation of self-stability of underground space and the calculation method of surrounding rock stability by subsurface and deep buried caverns is used. Based on the modified Fenner formula, the surrounding rock stability calculation method is proposed, in which the surrounding caverns shear plastic limit surface just reaches the critical condition of the surrounding rock stability. At the same time, geological models are built to simulate the caverns stability under different working conditions, a large sample database is obtained and the neural network method is used. Therefore, a new rapid underground space self-stability evaluation system is established. Second, the evaluation of stability of adjacent engineering caused by the development of urban underground space is sorted out from two aspects, including the influence of underground space development on surface engineering, and the influence between underground engineering. The third is the evaluation of the impact of the post-construction surface engineering on the stability of underground engineering by the methods of in-situ monitoring, numerical analysis and engineering analogy.


