ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    A discussion of the relationship between landslide disaster and rainfall types in Bazhong of Sichuan

    • 摘要: 巴中市地处四川盆地和秦岭造山带的过渡地带,地质构造以宽缓的隔档式褶皱为主,地层岩性主要为砂泥岩互层的红层岩体,红层滑坡灾害多为强降雨诱发。开展滑坡灾害与降雨雨型关系的研究,可为该地区滑坡灾害临界降雨阈值和预警服务提供参考。文章通过统计巴中市强降雨事件与滑坡发生的对应关系,初步揭示了滑坡灾害触发的降雨特征,并在分析降雨强度的基础上,结合降雨历时和降雨过程,对巴中市2007—2016年之间23场月降雨量大于200 mm的降雨事件进行了细分,共划分为单峰型、前峰型、后峰型、递增型、递减型、均匀型6类降雨雨型。对各类降雨雨型下滑坡发生数量进行统计,递增型和单峰型降雨事件下滑坡发生的比例分别为46.90%和25.02%。经稳定性计算分析,递增型和单峰型两类雨型条件下滑坡稳定性有明显降低,降雨过程对滑坡发生具有显著影响。结果表明:强降雨期间应加强降雨雨型的分析,为适时发布区域滑坡灾害预警信息、做好提前避让提供技术支撑。


      Abstract: This article mainly describes the relationship between landslide disaster and rainfall types in the Bazhong district to provide reference for the critical rainfall threshold and early warning service for landslide disasters in this region. The Bazhong area is located in the transition zone between the Sichuan Basin and the Qinling orogenic belt, where the stratum is mainly composed of red bed with interbedded sandstone-shale. By corresponding to heavy rainfall events and landslide, this paper preliminarily reveals the characteristics of landslide disaster triggered by rainfall characteristics. In addition, based on the analysis of rainfall intensity, combined with rainfall duration and rainfall process, the historical rainfall is subdivided into 6 types: unimodal, pre-peak, post-peak, increasing, decreasing, and uniform types. This paper also gathers and analyzes the historical data and experimental results, which confirm that the rainfall process has a significant effect on the landslide occurrence. The research results show that the analysis of rainfall types can be strengthened during heavy rainfall, and they can provide technical support for early warning information of regional landslide disasters and early concession avoidance.


