A study of the genesis mechanism and model of Longyao ground fissures in Hebei plain
摘要: 隆尧地裂缝是华北平原地区规模最大、活动性最强、灾害程度最为严重的构造地裂缝,但其与断裂之间的成因研究一直缺少系统的证明材料和完整的理论分析,即隆尧地裂缝与断裂之间是怎样的成生关系仍较为模糊。文章根据现场调查、探槽、地球物理探测和钻孔联合剖面等方法,分析了隆尧地裂缝几何运动特点和深部构造特征,探讨了隆尧地裂缝的成因机理和模式。研究结果表明:隆尧地裂缝(主要指西段)的发育位置与隆尧活动断裂基本重合,地裂缝走向近EW,倾向南,倾角60°~80°,南盘相对北盘下降,具正断性;同时,地裂缝面处黏土层中发育擦痕,上盘发育的分支裂缝与主裂缝相交成“y”型,地裂缝上下盘位移差随深度增加;地球物理探测解译隆尧活动断裂上断点埋深40~50 m,钻孔联合剖面揭示隆尧地裂缝向下延伸与隆尧活动断裂上断点吻合。地裂缝发育位置、产状、几何特点、运动特征与物探解译、钻孔联合剖面揭示的隆尧活动断裂一致,因此,隆尧地裂缝与隆尧活动断裂直接相连。根据上述成因理论,提出了构造地裂缝的一种成因模式——断层直剪式,即:在区域应力加强或转变的基础上,基地隐伏断裂开始蠕滑运动,断层面或断层带向地表延伸,切穿第四系岩土层,在地表形成陡坎。并据此分析了隆尧地裂缝的形成、显现和发展过程,为断层直剪式地裂缝成因研究提供理论指导。Abstract: The Longyao ground fracture is the tectonic ground fracture with a largest scale, which is one of the strongest activity and the most serious degree of disasters in North China Plain. However, the cause of formation between the Longyao ground fracture and faults were seldom examined and complete demonstration materials and systematic theoretical analyses are lacking. Based on field investigation, including trenching, physical exploration and joint borehole profile, etc, this paper analyses the planes, profiles and deep characteristics of ground fissures and discuss the genesis mechanism and mode of the Longyao ground fissures. The development location of the Longyao ground fissures (western part) coincides with the Longyao fault. The ground fissures trends in EW direction, dip south with 60~80 degrees, and is of normality. The ground fissure surface development scratches in the clay layer, the branch fissures in the hanging wall intersects with the main fissures to form a “y” shape, and the displacement between the hanging wall and foot wall increases with depth. The depth of the Longyao active fault upper break poin is 40~50 m by the interpretation of exploration, and the joint borehole profile reveals that the downward extension of the ground fissures coincides with the upper break point of the buried faults. The Longyao ground fracture is directly connected with the Longyao active fault. According to the above genetic theory, a genetic mode of structural ground fissures, fault direct shear type, is proposed. On the basis of regional stress strengthening or transformation, the hidden faults in the base began to creep and slide, the fault surface or fault zone extended to the surface, cut through the Quaternary rock and soil layers, and formed scarps on the surface. The formation, appearance and development of the Longyao ground fissures are analyzed. The results provide theoretical guidance for the study of the cause of ground fissures of direct shear type.
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