ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P

    粒度指标指示的坝上御道口地区8 000 a B.P.环境变化

    Environment Changes revealed by grain size from Yudaokou in Bashang area since 8000 a B.P.

    • 摘要: 承德坝上御道口地区是对气候变化非常敏感的生态环境脆弱带,认识本区气候变化对未来增温背景下采取应对措施有重要意义。粒度是气候环境变化敏感代用指标,粒度分析结果可推测沉积物形成条件和环境。文章对御道口地区YDK剖面沉积物进行粒度测试。通过对粒度数据进行组分分离和敏感粒级的提取,利用AMS14C测年结果建立年代框架,探讨了坝上御道口地区8000 a B.P.以来的古气候古环境变化。结果显示气候变化经历了三个阶段:(1)8 000~6 100 a B.P.,粒度指标指示此时段动力较大,粉尘距源区较近,风沙活动较强,携带较多粗颗粒物质造成粒径较粗,估计此时段气候干燥,区域植被较差。(2)6 100~1 700 a B.P.,此时段粒度指标指示动力较小,粉尘距源区较远,粗颗粒物质减少,估计此时段气候湿润,区域植被较好,风沙活动减弱。(3)1 700 a B.P.至今,动力较大,粉尘距源区较近,估计此时段气候变干,区域植被较差,风沙活动强。


      Abstract: Bashang Yudaokou area belongs to a fragile eco-environmental zone that is very sensitive to climate change. It is of great significance to understand the climate change background in this area. Grain size is sensitive to climate and environment changes. The results of grain size can infer sediment formation and environment conditions. The chronological was established by five AMS14C dating. The grain size samples were collected from 2.8 m section to reconstruct environment variability since 8 000 a B.P. The chronology of the section was determined based on five accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C dating. The studied section encompasses the periods of 8 000~180 a B.P.. Environmental changes can be divided into three stages since 8 000 a B.P. in the Yudaokou area:(1)8 000~6 100 a B.P., the grain size indicates that the power is greater in this period, the dust is closer to the source area, the wind and sand activity is stronger. It is estimated that the climate is dry during this period and the regional vegetation is poor.(2)6 100 a B.P.~1 700 a B.P..At this stage, the grain size indicates that the energy is small, the dust is farther from the source area, and the coarse matter is reduced. It is estimated that the climate is humid during this period, the regional vegetation is better, and the wind and sand activity is weakened.(3)1 700 a B.P.~So far, the energy is relatively large, and the dust is relatively close to the source area. It is estimated that the climate is dry during this period, the regional vegetation is poor, and the sandstorm activity is strong.


