ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Distribution and characterization analyses of strontium-bearing mineral spring water in the Chengde region

    • 摘要: 承德地区是京津冀水源涵养功能区和生态环境支撑区,为可持续开发与保护承德地区矿泉水资源,探求区域内含锶矿泉水成因并圈定矿泉水潜力区,依托承德地区项目组所开展的含锶矿泉水调查与勘探,在生态水文地质调查,地下水、泉、地表水样品采集及含锶矿泉水检测分析基础上,通过分析整理大量的含锶样品测试分析数据,针对主要岩性含锶值量化对比,以及含锶点图层叠加耦合,利用统计学中的相关分析、对比分析、因子分析,对研究区内三大岩类中主要岩性含锶值量化对比分析,明确指出了本区富含锶的岩性地层潜力层;利用GIS数据空间叠加分析等方法将区内含锶矿泉水分布与岩性、构造在空间上叠加并进行关联分析,圈定出富含锶矿泉水潜力构造区域带,分析研究区域内含锶矿泉水的分布规律特征及成因,为进一步指导研究区探寻构造带及地层中的富锶矿泉水潜力区,提供精准靶向目标;为进一步研究含锶矿泉水成因,尤其是富锶水与构造密切性、开采条件等因素深入研究提供重要基础支撑。


      Abstract: Chengde area is the water conservation function area and ecological environment supporting area of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. In order to develop and protect the mineral spring water resources in the Chengde area, explore the origin of strontium-bearing mineral spring water and locate the potential areas of mineral spring water, we analyzed and collated a large number of strontium-bearing sample testing and analysis data based on the investigation and exploration of strontium-bearing mineral spring water, ecological hydrogeological survey, groundwater, spring and surface water sample collection, and strontium-bearing mineral spring water detection and analyses were carried out. The methods of correlation analysis, comparative analysis and factor analysis are used to quantify the strontium content in the main lithology of the study area. By means of the spatial analysis of GIS data, the distribution of strontium-bearing mineral spring water in this area is mapped by overlapping and analyzing the dada in space, and the potential tectonic zones of strontium-rich mineral spring water are located. The distribution characteristics and causes of strontium-bearing mineral spring water in the region are analyzed and examined, which may provide accurate targets for guiding further investigation in the study area to explore the potential areas of strontium-rich mineral spring water in the tectonic belts and strata.


