ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    A discussion of the classification of natural resources based on the combination of academic-legal principles and management

    • 摘要: 科学合理的自然资源分类是自然资源统一管理的重要基础,是自然资源部落实统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责和统一行使所有国土空间用途管制和生态保护修复职责的迫切要求。文章在系统梳理国内外自然资源分类体系基础上,以地球系统科学理论为指导,基于自然资源的科学内涵,充分考虑我国有关自然资源的法律规定和政府管理职责,提出了地球圈层与自然资源分层分类关系基本框架方案,初步划分了10个自然资源一级类和相应的34个自然资源二级类,并对自然资源综合调查的内涵和服务目标、地表基质分类及调查方法等方面提出了工作建议。


      Abstract: The unification of natural resources classification standards is an important and basic work for the development of natural resources management, and is also implementing the requirements and needs of the Ministry of Natural Resources for the unified responsibility of the owner of all the natural resources assets and all the land and space use control and ecological protection and restoration. In this paper, the classification systems of natural resources in China and abroad are systematically reviewed. Based on natural resource science and earth system science theories, we fully integrate the scientific connotation and management extension, and propose the basic framework between the relationship of earth system science layers and hierarchical classification of natural resources in view of the combination with academic theory, law rules and management. 10 first-class and 34 second-class natural resources are divided. Guided by the service goals and based on the existing geological data, we put forward some recommendations from two aspects:the connotation and service objectives of the comprehensive natural resources survey and the survey of surface substrates. The results may provide reference suggestions for the unified management of natural resources, natural resource survey and monitoring system construction, and the unified classification of natural resources.


