ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Particle flow simulation of macro- and meso-mechanical behavior of the prefabricated fractured rock sample

    • 摘要: 为了研究双轴压缩下预制裂隙岩样宏细观力学行为及裂纹扩展模式,采用颗粒流程序(PFC)先分析平行粘结模型细观参数对宏观参数的影响,接着结合完整花岗岩常规三轴压缩试验结果对其细观参数进行标定,最后借助该组参数模拟有围压下预制裂隙(上裂隙①和下裂隙②)岩样的力学特性。研究表明:基于PFC程序和标定的参数能较好地模拟完整岩样的破坏情况;随着围压增大,双裂隙岩样的峰值强度和弹性模量均增大,且裂隙②与水平向夹角α2为90°时,两者均达到最大值;不同的α2下,各岩样的裂纹演化均经过裂纹萌生、发展和稳定等3个阶段;随着围压的降低和轴向应力的增大,颗粒间的力链破坏情况愈严重。由于拉伸力链的集中和分布不同,水平裂隙长度方向上的裂纹沿着轴向扩展,且两裂隙的贯通呈现不同方式。


      Abstract: To examine the macro-and meso-mechanical behaviors and crack propagation mode of the prefabricated and fractured rock sample under biaxial compression, the particle flow code (PFC) is first used to study the effect of the micro-parameters of the parallel bond model on the macro-parameters. Combined with the conventional triaxial compression test of intact granite, the meso-parameters are calibrated. The mechanical properties of the sample with prefabricated double fractures (upper fracture ① and lower fracture ②) under confining pressure are simulated with the set of parameters. The results show that the PFC code and the calibrated parameters can better simulate the failure of the complete samples. As the confining pressure increases, the peak strength and elastic modulus of the double-fractured rock sample increase. When the angle α2 between the lower fracture ② and the horizontal is 90°, both of them reach the maximum values. Under different α2, the simulated crack evolution of each rock sample goes through three stages of crack initiation, development and stabilization. With the decreasing confining pressure and the increasing axial stress, the damage of the force chains between particles becomes more severe. Due to the difference in the concentration and distribution of the tensile force chains, the cracks along the length of the horizontal fracture propagate along the axial direction, and the penetration of the two fractures presents different ways.


