ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Laboratory test on the mechanical behavior of high-strength and large-deformation yield anchor cable

    • 摘要: 传统锚索形变量有限,在边坡大变形加固中容易出现超限破坏,而高强大变形屈服锚索兼顾高吨位、大变形的要求,能适应地质条件复杂多变的边坡加固。首先基于单根屈服套室内试验,获得3种可稳定输出恒阻的屈服套,其起始屈服力分别为120,135,145 kN,屈服行程大于200 mm。试验表明,单根屈服套起始屈服力总是大于直线平稳段恒力;输出恒力与屈服界面长度呈线性关系。高强大变形锚索的屈服装置由数个挤压摩擦型屈服套组成,其起始屈服力及行程可依据设计调节。目前已自主研发了 400,500,1 000,1 500 kN级系列屈服锚索,室内张拉试验结果表明,锚索屈服行程可达200 mm,各屈服套受力均匀、位移同步。屈服锚索采用P锚作为限位装置以充分发挥钢绞线的抗拉能力。室内极限承载力试验结果表明,400,500 kN级屈服锚索极限承载力可达1 050 kN。高强大变形屈服锚索的吨位及行程具有较好的拓展性,性能优于已有屈服锚杆,可为边坡大变形加固提供一种新的解决方案。


      Abstract: The traditional anchor cable has limited deformation, which can be exceed easily in the slope reinforcement. In order to adapt to the slope reinforcement under complex geological conditions, a high-strength and large-deformation anchor cable is proposed. The anchor cable is characterized by high tonnage and large deformation. Its yield device consists of several yield sets, which are of the squeeze friction type. The initial yield force and stroke of the anchor cable can be adjusted according to the design. Laboratory tests of yield sets are carried out. Three types of yield sets that meet the requirements are found. Their initial yield strengths are 120 kN, 135 kN and 145 kN, and their yield strokes are greater than 200 mm. The test results show that the output force has a linear relationship with the length of the yield interface. Its working principle is clarified, and the key parameter calculation method is proposed. The yield anchor cables of 400 kN, 500 kN, 1 000 kN and 1 500 kN class are successfully developed. The laboratory tensile test results show that the yield stroke of the anchor cable can reach 200 mm. The force of each yield set is uniform and the displacement is synchronized. P anchor is used as a limit device to give full play to the ultimate bearing capacity of the steel strand. Indoor tests show that the ultimate bearing capacity for yield anchor cables of 400 kN and 500 kN class can reach 1 050 kN. The tonnage and stroke of the high-strength large-deformation yield anchor cable can be expanded as required. Its performance is better than that of the existing yield anchors. It can provide a new solution for large deformation reinforcement of slope.


