ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Geological storage conditions and potential assessment of CO2 in deep saline aquifers in Lindian of Heilongjiang Province

    • 摘要: CO2地质储存是减少碳排放、缓解温室效应的有效措施。经地热勘探与综合研究,黑龙江林甸地区埋藏深度940~2062 m的中生代白垩系泉头组三四段、青山口组和姚家组砂岩层状地层中蕴含丰富的咸水,溶解性总固体可达2000~9000 mg/L,孔隙发育较好,水流速缓慢,其上盖层以白垩系嫩江组、四方台组、明水组的层状泥质岩为主,厚度为800~1300 m,未被主要断裂带穿透,封闭良好,决定了其可以作为储存CO2的良好地质储体。同时,大庆市紧邻林甸地区,化工企业众多,碳源集中且充足,规模大,距离短,为研究区的CO2地质储存提供了有利条件。因林甸地区油气资源匮乏,缺少石油井,本次工作首次利用地热勘探井,根据CO2地质储存技术机理,采用国际权威潜力评估公式,开展了深部咸水层CO2地质储存的潜力评估。结果表明,其深部咸水层CO2理论储存量为478.91×108 t,有效储存量为11.49×108 t,储存潜力较大,未来可作为大庆、齐齐哈尔等邻近城市减碳的地质储存场所。此项工作的开展,为林甸地区下一步实施CO2地质储存适宜性评价、目标靶区筛选和场地选址及示范工程建设提供了技术支撑。


      Abstract: Geological storage of CO2 is an effective measure to reduce carbon emission and mitigate greenhouse effect. Through geothermal exploration and comprehensive research, it is found that the sandstone stratified strata of the Third and Fourth Member of the Quantou Formation, the Qingshankou Formation and the Yaojia Formation of the Cretaceous age in the Lindian area of Heilongjiang Province, with the burial depth of about 940−2062 m, contain rich saline water with TDS of 2000−9000 mg/L, and are of well-developed pores and slow groundwater flow. The caprock is dominated by pelite stratified strata of the Nenjiang Formation, Sifangtai Formation and Mingshui Formation of the Cretaceous age, with a thickness of about 800−1300 m. It has not been penetrated by major fault zones and is well closed, which determines that it can be used as a good geological reservoir for CO2 storage. At the same time, Lindian is close to the city of Daqing, with numerous chemical enterprises, concentrated and sufficient carbon sources, and large scale and short distance, providing favorable conditions for CO2 geological storage in the study area. Due to the lack of oil and gas resources and oil wells in the Lindian area, this work uses geothermal exploration wells for the first time. According to the mechanism of CO2 geological storage technology and the international authoritative potential assessment formula, the potential assessment of CO2 geological storage of deep saline aquifers in this area is carried out. The results show that the theoretical CO2 storage in the deep salt aquifers is 478.91×108 t, the effective CO2 storage is 11.49×108 t, which is of large storage potential. In the future, it can provide geological storage sites for carbon reduction in Daqing, Qiqihar and other neighboring cities. The implementation of this work provides technical support for the next implementation of CO2 geological storage suitability evaluation, objective target area and site selection and demonstration projects in the Lindian area.


