ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Response of water cycle to precipitation in Shizhiyan underground river system in Huixian wetland of Guilin

    • 摘要: 岩溶湿地是西南岩溶生态系统的重要调节器,对该地区的可持续发展有重要意义,而水循环作为维系岩溶湿地健康运转的核心因素,已经成为当前的研究热点。2020年4月15日—5月30日野外监测了桂林会仙湿地狮子岩地下河系统参数,采用水文动态分析与水均衡等方法,开展了地下河系统水循环研究。结果表明:(1)地表径流、土壤水、表层岩溶带水和岩溶地下水均对大气降雨响应敏感,但敏感程度有差异,其中岩溶地下水的敏感性最高,地表径流和表层岩溶带水的敏感性较弱,土壤水的敏感性受深度影响较大。(2)不同等级降雨中地下河系统的各类水变化量的比例有差异。本次研究中,小雨(24 h累计降雨量范围为4.2~10 mm)时系统内土壤水变化量比例最大,约为75.87%;中雨(24 h累计降雨量为17.8 mm)时土壤水变化量和岩溶地下水变化量的比例最大,分别约为43.38%和44.12%,大雨(24 h累计降雨量为24 mm)和大暴雨(24 h累计降雨量范围为110.8~128.2 mm)时岩溶地下水变化量比例最大,约为66.48%。(3)研究区调蓄系数平均值约为0.53,明显高于其他岩溶地区,表现出较强的调蓄能力,且随着降雨量的增大,调蓄系数逐渐减小。(4)地下河系统水循环概念模型包含大气降雨、地表径流、土壤水、表层岩溶带水和岩溶地下水之间的转化关系及转化量,建立概念模型可为岩溶湿地水资源开发利用和湿地保护提供理论基础。


      Abstract: Karst wetland is an important regulator of karst ecosystems in southwest China and is of great significance to the sustainable development of the region. Water cycle, as the core factor to maintain the healthy operation of karst wetlands, has become a hot topic in current researches. Based on the field monitoring data of the Shizhiyan underground river system in the Guilin Huixian Wetland from April 15, 2020 to May 30, 2020, hydrological dynamic analysis and water balance are used to study the water cycle of the underground river system. The results show that (1) surface runoff, soil water, surface karst zone water and karst groundwater are sensitive to atmospheric rainfall, but the sensitivity degree is different. The sensitivity of karst groundwater is the highest, the sensitivity of surface runoff and surface karst zone water is weak, and the sensitivity of soil water is greatly affected by depth. (2) The proportion of all kinds of water circulation in the underground river system is different at different grades of rainfall, and the proportion of soil water in the system is the largest in light rain (24 h cumulative rainfall ranges from 4.2 mm to 10 mm), which accounts for about 75.87%. The proportion of soil water and karst groundwater in moderate rain (24 h cumulative rainfall is 17.8 mm) is the largest, which is about 43.38% and 44.12%, respectively. The proportion of karst groundwater in heavy rain (24 h cumulative rainfall is 24 mm) and heavy rainstorm (24 h cumulative rainfall ranges from 110.8 mm to 128.2 mm) is the largest, accounting for about 66.48%. (3) The average coefficient of regulation and storage in the study area is about 0.53, which is significantly higher than that of other karst areas, showing strong regulation and storage capacity. With the increasing rainfall, the coefficient of regulation and storage gradually decreases. (4) The conceptual model of water cycle of underground river system includes the transformation relationship and transformation amount among atmospheric rainfall, surface runoff, soil water, surface karst zone water and karst groundwater. The establishment of the conceptual model can provide a theoretical basis for the development and utilization of water resources and wetland protection of karst wetland.


