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刘琛尧, 晏启祥, 孙润方, 王绪, 邓宝华, 陈耀

刘琛尧,晏启祥,孙润方,等. 基于三维离散-连续耦合的岩溶隧道突水破坏模式研究[J]. 水文地质工程地质,2024,51(2): 163-171. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202211045
引用本文: 刘琛尧,晏启祥,孙润方,等. 基于三维离散-连续耦合的岩溶隧道突水破坏模式研究[J]. 水文地质工程地质,2024,51(2): 163-171. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202211045
LIU Chenyao, YAN Qixiang, SUN Runfang, et al. Study on water inrush failure mode of karst tunnel based on three-dimensional discrete-continuous coupling[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2024, 51(2): 163-171. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202211045
Citation: LIU Chenyao, YAN Qixiang, SUN Runfang, et al. Study on water inrush failure mode of karst tunnel based on three-dimensional discrete-continuous coupling[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2024, 51(2): 163-171. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.202211045


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(52278416)




  • 中图分类号: P641.134;U452.1+1

Study on water inrush failure mode of karst tunnel based on three-dimensional discrete-continuous coupling

  • 摘要:



    During the construction of karst tunnel, it is difficult to avoid approaching the cavern, even high pressure water cavern. Water inrush damage very easily causes safety accidents and would have irreversible impact on the tunnel. The study on damage mode is conducive to solving problems related to karst tunnel safety and has certain significance for the safety of route selection. In this study, the physical and mechanical parameters of micro-discrete particles are calibrated and verified by a three-dimensional discrete-continuous coupling numerical technology, and the important process of rock-burst collapse prevention between the underlying solution cavity and the tunnel invert under water pressure is simulated. The results show that the failure modes of outburst prevention rock mass are divided into three types: shear failure mode, bending failure mode, and composite failure mode. The bending failure mode indicates that the tensile cracks in the middle and both ends of the outburst prevention rock mass are in the form of penetration; the shear failure mode shows that the cracks at both ends of the outburst prevention rock mass are in the shear state; while the composite failure mode has the common characteristics of both. The fracture development rules caused by the three failure modes are similar and can be divided into three stages: initial development, rapid development, and gentle development. At the stage of initial development, the number of cracks in the rock body is small; the number of cracks in the rock mass maintaining water pressure and preventing outburst suddenly increases and enters the stage of rapid development; after that, the crack in the outburst prevention rock mass connect and then enter the stage of gentle development, ultimately, leading to the overall collapse of the outburst prevention rock mass. Thus, this study indicates that water inrush damage is a gradual process in karst tunnels, but it has an irreversible impact on the overall safety of karst tunnels.

  • 随着我国对西南地区互通发展的重视,各种公路、铁路等基础设施正在紧锣密鼓地修建中。其中作为运输的主力军,铁路修建的数量以及总里程数都在不断地增大。铁路在西南地区的修建过程中不可避免地穿越岩溶地区,岩溶地区溶腔特别是高承压水溶腔具有重大安全隐患[13]。隧址区岩溶发育的影响主要表现为对隧道稳定性影响和隧道涌水[45],隧道围岩与溶腔之间的岩体失稳破坏是岩溶隧道突水的关键因素。根据其他研究区的实践,当修建岩溶隧道时保留足够厚度的防突岩体可以大大减小突水灾害发生的概率,保证隧道施工安全。因此,国内外学者对于岩溶隧道防突岩体的破坏相关问题进行了研究。




    将连续介质与离散介质耦合[15]使得解决上述问题成为可能。许多学者应用离散-连续介质耦合技术于岩土工程中,如桩基工程[16]、边坡稳定[17] 、沉桩工程[1819]、强夯工程[20]等方面。在隧道开挖[2126]与锚索支护[27]中也有应用。然而,应用离散-连续耦合模拟岩溶隧道防突岩体的破坏过程的研究仍较少。


    贵南高速铁路德庆隧道位于典型的喀斯特岩溶地貌区,隧道全长6610 m,大约全长的1/3处于深厚黏土层,围岩等级为Ⅴ级。隧道全长存在溶腔200个以上,隐伏溶槽、溶蚀破碎带等不良地质体发育。隧道穿过地层大部分为可溶岩地层,地表为典型的峰丛洼地地貌、残丘地貌,岩溶发育不均匀,钻探揭示隧道洞身灰岩岩溶强烈发育,局部揭示土洞,可能诱发岩溶塌陷或岩溶沉陷。根据区域水文地质条件,在最大日降雨条件下,隧区受岩溶洼地汇水影响最大,DK298+500—DK299+300段预计涌水量约2.33万m3/d。因为该隧道修建难度大,成为整个贵南高速铁路项目的控制性工程。

    隧道DK298+766—+772段仰拱基底开挖揭示一溶腔(图1),溶腔横向宽约5 m、纵向长5~6 m、深4~5 m,可能诱发溶腔与隧底之间的防突岩体塌陷。

    图  1  隧道仰拱下伏溶腔
    Figure  1.  Underground cavity of tunnel invert





    表  1  工程实际围岩物理力学参数
    Table  1.  Physical and mechanical parameters of actual surrounding rock
    参数 杨氏模量/GPa 泊松比 黏聚力/MPa 摩擦角/(°) 密度/(kg·m−3)
    取值 6 0.2 1.8 40 2600
    下载: 导出CSV 
    | 显示表格

    用于离散颗粒参数标定的三轴压缩试验采用1.0,1.5 ,2.0 MPa 3种围压,颗粒属性见表2。根据三轴试验的尺寸标准来对本试验模型进行建模,建立的圆柱体数值模型H=100 mm,D=50 mm(图2)。试样接触模型各微观参数的选取值见表2

    表  2  三轴压缩试验颗粒参数
    Table  2.  Particle parameters in the triaxial compression test
    参数 最小粒径/mm 粒径比 颗粒密度/(kg·m−3) 孔隙率 加载应变速率
    取值 1 1.66 2500 0.3 0.005
    下载: 导出CSV 
    | 显示表格
    图  2  三轴压缩模拟试验颗粒集合体模型
    Figure  2.  Particle aggregate model for the triaxial compression simulation test


    图  3  3种围压下试样轴向应力-轴向应变曲线
    Figure  3.  Axial stress- axial strain curve of specimen under three confining pressures
    图  4  3种围压下试样横向应变-轴向应变曲线
    Figure  4.  Transverse strain- axial strain curve of the specimen under three confining pressures
    表  3  围岩参数标定结果
    Table  3.  Calibration parameters of surrounding rock
    颗粒微观参数 黏结有效模量/ GPa 有效模量/GPa 黏结刚度比 刚度比 平行黏结内摩擦角/(°) 摩擦系数 平行黏结抗拉强度/MPa 平行黏结黏聚力/MPa
    5 5 4 4 40 0.5 3 3
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    | 显示表格


    为提高计算效率,选取比实际工程小的模型进行参数验证。两个模型尺寸均为高40 m、宽20 m、厚5 m(图5)。所建立的耦合模型离散区尺寸定为宽20 m、高10 m,粒径比根据上文选取1.66,颗粒粒径选取0.1 m,具体颗粒微观的参数见表3

    图  5  验证模型地应力等值线图
    Figure  5.  Contour map of geostress in the validation model

    当地应力处于平衡时,地应力$ \sigma $应为:

    $$ \sigma =\gamma H=2\;600\;\mathrm{kg}/{\mathrm{m}}^{3}\times 9.8\;\mathrm{m}/{\mathrm{s}}^{2}\times 40\;\mathrm{m}=1\;019\;\mathrm{kPa} $$





    图  6  验证模型竖向位移等值线图
    Figure  6.  Contour map of vertical displacement in the verification model



    本次模拟的计算模型尺寸为宽116 m×高123 m×厚4 m,模型的离散介质尺寸为宽16 m×高25 m×厚4 m。隧道宽度为14 m,高为11.6 m,隧道埋深49 m。对于模型的边界条件采用以下方式进行约束:对模型的前后左右4个边界进行水平约束,对模型的底部边界进行水平与竖直方向约束。所建立的模型如图7所示。调整溶腔水压力值和防突岩体的厚度值,研究防突岩体不同的破坏过程,根据不同的裂缝发生形式对破坏模式进行分类。

    图  7  三维离散-连续耦合模型
    Figure  7.  Three-dimensional discrete continuous coupled model

    溶腔跨度设置为8 m。溶腔内模拟水压力为0.8 MPa,隧道与溶腔之间的防突岩体厚度为1.3 m。


    图  8  防突岩体弯折破坏
    Figure  8.  Bending failure of outburst prevention rock mass
    图  9  接触力链图
    Figure  9.  Chain diagram of contact force




    溶腔跨度设置为8 m,溶腔水压力为3.2 MPa,隧道与溶腔之间的防突岩体厚度为3.5 m。防突岩体剪切破坏模式如图10

    图  10  防突岩体剪切破坏
    Figure  10.  Shear failure of prevention burst rock mass




    溶腔的跨度设置为8 m,溶腔内水压力为2.0 MPa,隧道与溶腔之间的防突岩体厚度为2.5 m。


    图  11  防突岩体复合破坏
    Figure  11.  Compound failure of outburst prevention rock mass




    图  12  3种破坏模式下防突岩体裂隙数
    Figure  12.  The number of fracture in the outburst prevention rock mass under three failure modes







  • 图  1   隧道仰拱下伏溶腔

    Figure  1.   Underground cavity of tunnel invert

    图  2   三轴压缩模拟试验颗粒集合体模型

    Figure  2.   Particle aggregate model for the triaxial compression simulation test

    图  3   3种围压下试样轴向应力-轴向应变曲线

    Figure  3.   Axial stress- axial strain curve of specimen under three confining pressures

    图  4   3种围压下试样横向应变-轴向应变曲线

    Figure  4.   Transverse strain- axial strain curve of the specimen under three confining pressures

    图  5   验证模型地应力等值线图

    Figure  5.   Contour map of geostress in the validation model

    图  6   验证模型竖向位移等值线图

    Figure  6.   Contour map of vertical displacement in the verification model

    图  7   三维离散-连续耦合模型

    Figure  7.   Three-dimensional discrete continuous coupled model

    图  8   防突岩体弯折破坏

    Figure  8.   Bending failure of outburst prevention rock mass

    图  9   接触力链图

    Figure  9.   Chain diagram of contact force

    图  10   防突岩体剪切破坏

    Figure  10.   Shear failure of prevention burst rock mass

    图  11   防突岩体复合破坏

    Figure  11.   Compound failure of outburst prevention rock mass

    图  12   3种破坏模式下防突岩体裂隙数

    Figure  12.   The number of fracture in the outburst prevention rock mass under three failure modes

    表  1   工程实际围岩物理力学参数

    Table  1   Physical and mechanical parameters of actual surrounding rock

    参数 杨氏模量/GPa 泊松比 黏聚力/MPa 摩擦角/(°) 密度/(kg·m−3)
    取值 6 0.2 1.8 40 2600
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2   三轴压缩试验颗粒参数

    Table  2   Particle parameters in the triaxial compression test

    参数 最小粒径/mm 粒径比 颗粒密度/(kg·m−3) 孔隙率 加载应变速率
    取值 1 1.66 2500 0.3 0.005
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  3   围岩参数标定结果

    Table  3   Calibration parameters of surrounding rock

    颗粒微观参数 黏结有效模量/ GPa 有效模量/GPa 黏结刚度比 刚度比 平行黏结内摩擦角/(°) 摩擦系数 平行黏结抗拉强度/MPa 平行黏结黏聚力/MPa
    5 5 4 4 40 0.5 3 3
    下载: 导出CSV
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  • 期刊类型引用(1)

    1. 杨娥. 变权云模型在既有高速公路边坡健康评估中的应用研究. 安全与环境学报. 2024(12): 4552-4559 . 百度学术


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  • 收稿日期:  2022-11-14
  • 修回日期:  2023-01-05
  • 录用日期:  2023-02-27
  • 网络出版日期:  2024-01-19
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