ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Shear strength and crushing characteristics of calcareous sand in South China Sea under the influence of three factors

    • 摘要: 作为一种海源土体,南海钙质砂具有多孔、形状不均匀、易破碎等特征,而目前从细观角度开展钙质砂力学性状的研究比较有限。为获得竖向压力、剪切程度及相对密实度对钙质砂强度和颗粒破碎特性的影响规律,开展了南海饱和钙质砂直剪试验,并与陆源硅砂(中国标准砂和福建中级砂)的试验结果进行对比。结果表明:(1)不同相对密实度下的钙质砂剪应力-位移曲线趋势大致相同,且剪应力峰值基本一致,这与中国标准砂和福建中级砂受相对密实度影响规律显著不同;(2)与陆源硅砂无黏结性不同,南海钙质砂有一定“似黏聚力”,其主要原因在于南海钙质砂颗粒形状不均匀,颗粒之间存在一定的咬合作用,进而呈现出一定的黏结特性;(3)随着竖向应力的增加,钙质砂破碎逐渐由大颗粒转变为小颗粒,同时剪切程度为50%时钙质砂的破碎面主要位于相对薄弱处,而剪切程度为100%时,破碎面主要分布在单颗粒钙质砂中间位置;(4)相对破碎势与竖向应力、相对密实度及剪切程度有很好的相关性,构建的破碎势计算模型涵盖了竖向应力、相对密实度及剪切程度的影响,可在工程中推广应用。研究结果可为我国南海岛礁工程建设提供依据。


      Abstract: Calcareous sand, a type of marine soil found in the South China Sea, is characterized by its porous nature, irregular particle shape, and susceptibility to breakage. However, few studies have examined the mechanical properties of calcareous sand from the microscopic perspective. To investigate the impact of vertical pressure , shear degree and relative density on the strength and particle breakage characteristics of calcareous sand, direct shear tests were conducted on saturated calcareous sand from the South China Sea. A comparative analysis was performed with the test results of terrestrial silica sand, namely Chinese standard sand and Fujian intermediate sand. It is found that both the trend of stress-displacement curve and the peak shear stress values exhibit a similar behavior for calcareous sand under different relative compaction, which were distinctly different from the influence of relative compaction on Chinese standard sand and Fujian intermediate sand. The calcareous sand in the South China Sea exhibit a noteworthy “similar cohesion”, a feature that distinguishes it from the non-cohesiveness of terrigenous silica sand. This cohesion in calcareous sand is attributed to the non-uniform shape of its particles and featuring interlocking between particles, presenting certain bonding characteristics.As the vertical stress increases, the crushing of calcareous sand gradually changes from large particles to small particles. At a shear degree approaching 50%, the crushing surface of calcareous sand occurs mainly at a relatively weak position. However, at the shear degree approaching 100%, the primary crushing surface predominantly occurrs in the middle of individual calcareous sand particles. The relative breaking potential demonstrates a strong correlation with vertical stress, relative compaction, and shear degree. The developed empirical model for breaking potential, which takes all three factors into account, holds significant potential for practical applications in engineering. The findings provide valuable insights for the construction of islands and reefs in the South China Sea.


