ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Deformation and safety control limits of shield tunnel under surface loading effects

    • 摘要: 地表堆载是地下盾构隧道管片破损、接缝张开和错台等病害的主要诱因之一,这些病害对盾构隧道的安全运行构成了严峻挑战。以往的研究往往集中于某一特定堆载方式,且在分析时未能充分考虑管片接头间的力学特性。基于此,文章利用ABAQUS有限元软件,构建了一个包含管片、螺栓和土层的多尺度精细化三维有限元模型。该模型充分考虑了隧道管片和螺栓的材料非线性特性,以及隧道管片与土体之间的复杂相互作用。通过对足尺管片加载模型试验进行模拟分析,首先验证了所采用的隧道管片模型的准确性和可靠性。随后,利用所建立的三维精细化模型,开展了不同堆载荷载大小及其形式(包括中心堆载、半偏心堆载和偏心堆载)对地下管片结构的数值模拟分析,结果表明:(1) 地表堆载作用下盾构隧道纵向沉降变形呈现非连续性和非均匀性,其中地表堆载范围内隧道的沉降量较大,在堆载的边缘处隧道错台量和张开量较大;(2) 综合分析了不同堆载形式下盾构隧道结构变形、张开量及错台量之间的关系,得到了盾构隧道管片张开量与结构变形及收敛率之间的关系。研究结果及所提出的相关公式可为工程施工提供参考。


      Abstract: Surface loading is a primary cause of damage to underground shield tunnel segments, leading to issues such as cracking, joint opening, and misalignment. These damages pose significant challenges to the safe operation of shield tunnels. Previous studies often focused on specific loading modes and have not adequately addressed the mechanical interactions between segment joints during analysis. Therefore, this study utilized ABAQUS finite element software to construct a multi-scale refined three-dimensional finite element model containing segments, bolts, and soil layers. The model accounts for the material nonlinearity of tunnel segments and bolts, as well as the complex interaction between tunnel segments and soil. Through simulation analysis of full-scale segment loading model tests, the accuracy and reliability of the adopted tunnel segment model were verified. Using the established three-dimensional refined model, numerical simulation were then conducted to analyze the effects of different loading magnitudes and forms (including central loading, semi-eccentric loading, and eccentric loading) on underground segment structures. The results show that under surface loading, the longitudinal settlement deformation of shield tunnels exhibits discontinuity and non-uniformity. The settlement within the range of surface loading is relatively large, with greater misalignment and opening at the edges of the loading. A comprehensive analysis of the relationship between tunnel structure deformation, opening amount, and misalignment under different loading forms was conducted, and then the relationship between the opening amount of shield tunnel segments and structural deformation and convergence rate was obtained. The proposed formulas can provide valuable insights for engineering applications.


