ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Impact of stream-groundwater interaction on stream water source composition: A case study of the Dosit River

    • 摘要: 盈水河段和渗失河段交替出现是河水-地下水交换的常见形式,以盈水河段所在位置为来源的河水来源组成研究是近年来河流水质研究的热点之一。然而,干旱半干旱地区河水来源组成的演变特征规律尚不清晰。本研究以鄂尔多斯盆地都思兔河为例,基于河水-地下水耦合数值模型,分析了丰水年、平水年和枯水年3种年降水条件下都思兔河的河水-地下水交换特征及其对河流沿程河水来源组成的影响。结果表明:(1)都思兔河整条河流以接收地下水排泄为主,但河段尺度上的河水-地下水补排关系具有空间非均匀性,渗失河段总长度占比不低于40%;(2)河道断面上河水的来源组成具有集中效应,以下游苦水沟断面为例,丰水年、平水年和枯水年3种降水情景下河流水量的80%分别来自于河流总长度的12.3%、9.2%、18.6%;(3)河流断面处河水来源组成的集中效应与断面流量具有良好的相关性,流量越小,河水来源的位置越集中。本研究首次探究了干旱半干旱地区河水的来源组成沿程变化规律,强调了关键河段对维持河流水量的重要作用。研究结果可为干旱半干旱区水资源管理、河流污染防治提供参考。


      Abstract: The alternation of gaining and losing reaches is a common manifestation of stream-groundwater exchange, and studies on the stream water source composition where source means the location of gaining reaches have become one of the frontiers in stream water quality research. However, the characteristics of stream water source compositions in arid and semi-arid areas or at large watershed scales remain unclear. By taking the Dosit River in the Ordos Plateau as an example, this study built a coupled stream-groundwater numerical model and analyzed the characteristics of stream-groundwater exchange in the Dosit River under three annual precipitation scenarios as well as their impact on the stream water source composition along the river. The results show that the Dosit River predominantly receives groundwater discharge, but the stream-groundwater exchange patterns on reach scale are heterogeneous, with a percentage of losing reaches of more than 40%. There is a concentration effect on the stream water source composition, e.g., in the Kushuigou section, 80% of the stream discharge under the three precipitation scenarios originates from only 12.3%, 9.2%, and 18.6% of the total river length, respectively. The concentration effect of stream water source composition correlates well with stream discharge, with the location of stream water sources becoming more concentrated as discharge decreases. This study is the first to investigate the characteristics of stream water source compositions in arid and semi-arid regions, highlighting the crucial role of key reaches in maintaining stream discharge. These findings can provide guidance for the rational management of water resources and effective prevention of river pollution in arid and semi-arid regions.


