ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Hydrogeochemical characteristics and environmental significance of travertine landscape in Muji area

    • 摘要: 钙华是全球范围内广泛分布的岩溶沉积物。岩溶区地下水是全球水资源的重要组成部分,提供了关键的生态服务功能和城镇饮用水。然而,岩溶区尤其是钙华景观的地下水中重金属赋存及风险效应的研究尚有欠缺,相应的地下水环境动态过程也尚不明晰。随着气候变暖和人类活动的加剧,钙华景观的各项功能正在逐步退化,因此,迫切需要加强对钙华区域环境现状的调查及安全评估。本研究以新疆木吉地区典型的钙华景观为研究对象,分析了其地下水化学特征和21种微量重金属的分布规律。结果表明,该地区钙华景观地下水溶质以Ca、Mg离子为主导,总体上以HCO3—Ca型水为主,主要超标金属为Fe、Mn和Sr。进一步研究表明,岩石风化和矿物溶融是主导形成该区域地下水化学特性的主要过程,这与包覆颗粒化学组成的分析结果基本一致。57%的样品表现出重金属的重度污染,其中,Mn、Sr和Co可能造成人类的非致癌健康风险,As可能会造成人类的致癌健康风险。Mn、Co和As作为典型的地壳元素,其经岩石风化并通过矿物溶融作用进入地下水,可能导致地下水水质退化,因此应当注意钙华地区岩石风化过程中的水化学特征变化及其导致的重金属风险效应。基于钙华景观保护和人类饮水安全的需求,本研究对于了解钙华所塑造的水化学环境特征、有效保护钙华景观及合理使用岩溶地区地下水具有重要意义。


      Abstract: Travertine is a type of karst deposit widely distributed worldwide. Groundwater in karst areas is the main component of global water resources, providing a large number of ecological services and urban water supply. It is urgent to strengthen the investigation of its environmental status and the assessment of water resources security. This study analyzed the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater and the distribution of 21 trace heavy metals in a typical travertine landscape in Muji, Xinjiang. The results show that the groundwater solutes in the travertine landscape in this region were dominated by calcium and magnesium ions, with an overall HCO3—Ca type. Iron, manganese, and strontium were the main metals exceeding the standard. Weathering of rocks and mineral dissolution were the main processes controlling the groundwater chemical properties in this region, consistent with the analysis of the chemical composition of coated particles. 57% of the samples exhibited significant contamination with heavy metals. Among these, manganese, strontium, and cobalt were identified as potential non-carcinogenic health risks to humans, and arsenic was found to pose carcinogenic risks. This study emphasizes that attention should be paid to the changes in hydrochemical characteristics and risk-increasing effects of rock weathering process on groundwater in travertine landscape. Based on the need for the protection of travertine landscape and human drinking water safety, our results are of great significance for understanding the characteristics of hydrochemical environment shaped by travertine landscape, effective protection, and rational use of groundwater in karst areas.


