ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Progress in developments and applications of the HYDRUS model and associated coupling model packages

    • 摘要: HYDRUS模型由于可以综合考虑土壤-植物-大气系统中水、热及污染物的运移,已被广泛应用于农业灌溉和污染运移的模拟,但已有关于HYDRUS模型的综述尚缺乏对植物根系影响下水分和溶质运移模拟以及对低影响开发(low impact development,LID)设施模拟的总结。文章系统综述了植物根系影响下HYDRUS模型对水、盐和氮、重金属及有机物等污染物运移的模拟以及对LID设施的模拟,并分析了影响模拟精度的因素。结果表明,HYDRUS模型可以很好地模拟植物根系影响下水分和盐分以及污染物等溶质的运移,但模拟精度受到植物根系、土壤及其物理化学生物特征等多种因素的影响。同时,由于模型相关参数可以通过历史文献、实验测量、模型预测和参数反演等不同方式确定,模拟效果也有一定差异。未来,应重点考虑以下几方面的研究:(1)HYDRUS模型对植物根系效应的模拟应重点考虑植物不同生长年限、不同植物根系类型以及不同根长、根直径、根体积和根密度等根系特征;(2)HYDRUS模型对新污染物运移的模拟需要进一步积累大量新污染物运移参数,包括扩散、吸附和降解等;(3)HYDRUS模型对包气带介质的非均质性需要进一步详细刻画及模拟;(4)HYDRUS模型对参数的获取及确定需要结合机器学习和人工智能手段进一步加强;(5)HYDRUS耦合模型仍需进一步开发及应用,以实现对渗流过程中地表水-土壤水-饱和地下水的全过程模拟。


      Abstract: HYDRUS model is widely used in agricultural irrigation and pollution transport because it can comprehensively consider the movement of water, heat, and pollutants in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. However, there is no summary of water and solute transport simulations under the influence of plant roots and the simulation of Low Impact Development (LID) facilities. This paper systematically summarized the simulation of water, salt, nitrogen, heavy metals and organic substances under the influence of plant roots and the simulation of LID facilities, and analyzed the simulation accuracy. The results show that HYDRUS can well simulate the movement of water, salts, and pollutants under the influence of plant roots, but the simulation accuracy is affected by many factors such as plant roots, soil and its physical, and chemical and biological characteristics. Additionally, since the relevant model parameters can be determined by historical documents, experimental measurements, and model prediction and inversion, the simulation results are also different. Future research should focus on the following aspects: (1) Considering the effects of different planting years, different root types, and different root characteristics such as root length, root diameter, root volume, and root density in the simulation of plant root effect by HYDRUS. (2) Accumulating more transport parameters for new pollutants, including diffusion, adsorption, and degradation, to improve the simulation of pollutant transport. (3) Enhancing the description and simulation of the heterogeneity of unsaturated zone media. (4) Strengthening the acquisition and determination of parameters through the integration of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. (5) Further developing and applying HYDRUS coupling models to enable comprehensive simulations of the entire process of surface water, soil water, and saturated groundwater during seepage.


