ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Mechanical mechanism and parameters sensitivity analysis of the steel frame-geotextile system for the pre-reinforcement of flow plastic soil

    • 摘要: 在港口建设的围海造陆工程中,吹填流塑土的预加固至关重要,能够促进深层排水固结、提升地基承载力。针对传统填土法成本高、效率低的局限,文章提出一种“钢架-土工材料系统”预加固工艺,该工艺以高效、低成本及材料循环利用为显著优势。文章深入分析了该工艺的力学机理,通过引入关键物理力学参数修正承载力公式,揭示了预加固后极限承载力与土工材料参数的敏感性关系,探讨了该预加固工艺的科学性。结果表明:(1)高变形模量比的双地基结构有效分散上部荷载,减少流塑土附加应力;(2)土工材料在荷载作用下产生变形,通过摩阻力和锚固效应提升流塑土承载力。预加固效果与土工材料等效抗拉强度呈线性正相关,与极限应变呈指数负相关,前者影响更显著。工程实践应选择抗拉强度略高的材料,以应对施工扰动,防止预加固失效。通过工程实例分析,若采用传统填土法以达到该工艺相同的加固成效,所需填土层厚度至少9.13 m,因此该方法具有极大的优越性和推广前景。研究结果可为流塑土插板排水施工预加固提供方案和理论指导。


      Abstract: In reclamation projects for port construction, the pre-reinforcement of flow plastic fill soils is critical for promoting deep drainage consolidation and enhancing subgrade bearing capacity. To address the limitations of high-cost and low-efficiency in conventional earth fill methods, this study proposes a “steel frame-geotextile system” pre-reinforcement technology, distinguished by its high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and material recyclability. This paper explored the mechanical mechanism of the proposed technology, introducing key physical-mechanical parameters to refine the bearing capacity formula. It elucidated the sensitivity relationship between the pre-reinforcement ultimate bearing capacity and geosynthetic parameters, and explored the scientific validity of this pre-reinforcement method. The results demonstrate that the dual foundation structure with a high modulus ratio effectively distributes the overburden load, reducing the additional stress in flowable fill soils. Geotextile, under loading, deforms and generates frictional resistance and anchoring effect, enhancing the load-bearing capacity of flow plastic soils. The pre-reinforcement effectiveness is linearly proportional to the geotextile's equivalent tensile strength and exponentially inversely related to the ultimate strain, with the former exerting a more significant influence. In engineering practice, materials with slightly higher tensile strength should be selected to withstand construction disturbances and prevent pre-reinforcement failure. In the context of the engineering example provided in this study, it is shown that if the conventional earth fill method was used to achieve the same reinforcement efficacy, the required earth fill layer thickness would need to be at least 9.13 m. This highlights the superior efficiency and vast potential for wider application of the proposed method. This study offers both a practical scheme and theoretical guidance for pre-reinforcement in the construction of flow plastic soils for drainage plates.


