ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Review of techniques and case studies for saline-alkali land amelioration in the coastal regions of China

    • 摘要: 土壤盐碱化是农业生产和生态环境建设面临的重大问题之一。随着我国滨海地区的快速发展,土地资源愈发紧缺,改良利用滨海盐碱地的需求日益迫切,相关研究成果不断丰富。然而,现有针对滨海盐碱地改良技术的综述研究多以物理、化学等基于学科的分类方式划分改良技术,难以指导实际工程中改良技术的选择和应用。因此,文章旨在系统梳理现有滨海盐碱地改良技术,总结更易于实践的技术分类方式,以指导实际工程应用。文章通过系统收集和筛选我国滨海盐碱地改良相关研究文献,综合对比和总结不同改良技术的优劣性及适用范围,依据其调控改良目标进行技术分类,并选取不同条件下高效改良方案进行案例分析。研究结果表明:(1)滨海盐碱地主要成因为成土盐分高、土壤理化性质差、毛细返盐作用强;(2)滨海盐碱地改良技术可根据调控改良目标划分为淋滤除盐技术、土壤理化性质改良技术、抑制返盐技术、生物改良技术四类;(3)淋滤除盐与土壤理化性质改良技术在滨海地区应用最广泛,抑制返盐技术多用于高盐地区,生物改良技术应根据盐分水平的不同选择适宜的植物品种,在轻度盐碱化土壤中,适宜种植耐盐作物从而兼顾生态与经济效益。基于对改良技术的总结分析,文章提出了滨海盐碱地针对性改良技术体系构建、滨海盐碱土改良过程中水资源的高效与安全利用、加强多学科交叉的滨海盐碱地改良技术方法研究及滨海盐碱地改良的长效性管理等研究方向,以期为滨海盐碱地的高效治理及可持续利用提供参考。


      Abstract: Soil salinization is one of the major challenges in agricultural production and ecological development. With the rapid development of China’s coastal areas, land resources are becoming increasingly scarce, creating an urgent need for the improvement and utilization of coastal saline-alkali land. Research findings in this area are continually expanding. However, most existing reviews of coastal saline-alkali land improvement technologies are classified based on disciplines such as physics and chemistry, which limits their guidance on technology selection and application in practical engineering. Therefore, this paper aims to systematically review current coastal saline-alkali land improvement technologies and summarize classification methods that are more practical for guiding real-world engineering applications. This paper systematically collected and screened relevant literature on the improvement of coastal saline-alkali land in China, comprehensively compared and summarized the advantages, disadvantages, and application scopes of various improvement technologies, categorized these technologies according to their regulatory and improvement objectives, and selected efficient improvement schemes under different conditions for case analysis. The findings indicate that: (1) The primary causes of coastal saline-alkali land are high soil salinity, poor physical and chemical properties of the soil, and strong capillary rise of salts. (2) Coastal saline-alkali land improvement technologies can be divided into four categories based on regulatory and improvement objectives: leaching and desalination technology, soil physical and chemical properties improvement technology, salt rise inhibition technology, and biological improvement technology. (3) Leaching and desalination, as well as soil physical and chemical properties improvement, are the most widely applied technologies in coastal areas. Salt rise inhibition technology is mainly used in areas with high salinity, while biological improvement technology involves selecting suitable plant varieties according to different salt levels. In mildly salinized soil, planting salt-tolerant crops can balance ecological and economic benefits. Based on the summary and analysis of improvement technologies, this paper proposes research directions for constructing targeted improvement technology systems for coastal saline-alkali land, ensuring efficient and safe utilization of water resources during the amelioration process, strengthening interdisciplinary research on improvement techniques, and establishing long-term management practices. These insights aim to provide basic information for efficient management and sustainable use of coastal saline-alkali land.


