ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    The impact of surface water-groundwater interactions on the fate and transport of typical PFAS

    • 摘要: 全氟和多氟烷基物质(per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances,PFAS)作为一种广泛存在、难降解,容易对饮用水和人体造成长期影响的污染物,引起人们广泛关注。有关PFAS在土壤中的运移过程在近十年已取得大量进展,但复杂水动力条件下PFAS在地下水中迁移转化的定量研究还较少。基于此,从变饱和流动条件下PFAS的迁移转化规律出发,选取全氟己基磺酸(perfluorohexane sulfonate, PFHxS)为研究对象,探究地层非均质性和水位波动条件对PFHxS在地下水中迁移转化的影响。通过模拟液相、固相吸附和空气-水界面吸附的PFHxS的迁移转化过程,探究河岸带区域地表水-地下水交互条件下的PFHxS迁移转化行为规律。研究表明:(1)非均质地层的局部高渗透区域产生了流动和运输的优先通道,加快了PFHxS向河岸带迁移的过程;(2)降雨引发的地表水-地下水交互作用过程导致了PFHxS污染羽的空间重新分配,并使得PFHxS污染区的覆盖范围得到了扩展;(3)非均质优先通道的存在加快了PFHxS在地表水-地下水相互作用中的响应速度。研究成果将有助于提高在类似复杂环境中预测污染范围扩展的准确性,优化监测和提出应对措施,为污染应急响应提供科学依据。


      Abstract: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of ubiquitous and persistent pollutants that pose significant risks to drinking water and human health. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the transport processes of PFAS in soil over the past decade; however, there is a lack of quantitative studies on the migration and transformation of PFAS in groundwater under complex hydrodynamic conditions. This study, focusing on perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), investigated the migration and transformation mechanisms of PFAS under variably saturated flow conditions. The influence of stratum heterogeneity and water table fluctuations on the migration and transformation of PFHxS in groundwater was explored. By simulating the migration and transformation processes of PFHxS in the aqueous phase, solid phase, and air-water interface, the migration and transformation behavior patterns of PFHxS under surface water-groundwater interaction condition in riparian zone was investigated. The results show that high permeability areas of heterogeneous layers create preferential channels for flow and transport, accelerating the migration of PFHxS to riparian zones The interaction between surface water and groundwater caused by rainfall led to the spatial redistribution of PFHxS pollution plume and extended the coverage of PFHxS pollution area. The presence of preferential flow accelerates the response rate of PFHxS in the surface water-groundwater interaction. This study contributes to enhancing the accuracy of predicting the extent of pollution spread in similar complex environments, optimizing monitoring and response measures, and providing a scientific basis for pollution emergency management.


