ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Research progress on geogenic-contaminated high ammonium groundwater

    • 摘要: 地下水氮污染是当前国内外最为普遍的水环境问题之一。长期以来,地下水中高浓度的铵氮被归因于各种人类活动的输入,相对而言,地下水天然铵氮异常在以往研究中被严重忽视。文章综述了地下水系统中铵氮的潜在来源包括生活污水和工业废水排放、生活垃圾堆放、化肥农药施用、污水灌溉等在内的人为成因以及天然有机质矿化的地质成因,并着重归纳了地质成因高铵地下水的全球分布;从沉积环境与水文地球化学环境的角度总结了地下水系统中地质成因的铵氮赋存于富含有机质、滞缓、封闭、还原性的条件下;基于典型实例研究,阐明了宏观区域沉积环境的演化控制了埋藏有机质的丰度/生物可利用性进而通过矿化导致高铵地下水的形成;而微观尺度上天然有机质的分子组成及其降解路径对地下水铵氮迁移富集起主控作用;最后,提出了未来高铵地下水研究所需深化与拓展的方向,主要包括铵氮富集的宏观模式与微观机理的结合、地下水系统有机碳年龄对铵氮富集的控制、高铵地下水排泄对地表水营养状态的影响等。


      Abstract: Groundwater nitrogen contamination is one of the most prevalent water environment problems worldwide. For a long time, the high concentration of ammonium in groundwater has been attributed to inputs from various human activities. However, the natural ammonium anomalies in groundwater have been neglected in previous studies. This paper reviewed the potential sources of ammonium in groundwater systems from anthropogenic sources including domestic and industrial wastewater discharges, domestic landfills, fertilizer and pesticide applications, sewage irrigation, and geological sources of natural organic matter mineralization. The global distribution of geogenic high-ammonium groundwater was also summarized. From the perspectives of depositional and hydrogeochemical environments, it is summarized that the occurrence characteristics of geogenic ammonium in groundwater systems were organic matter-rich, stagnant, confined, and reducing conditions. Based on two typical case studies, it is clarified that the evolution of macroscopic depositional environments controls the abundance/bio-availability of buried organic matter and thus results in the formation of high-ammonium groundwater through mineralization, whereas the molecular composition of natural organic matter and its degradation pathway at the microscale play a major role in controlling the transport and enrichment of ammonium in groundwater. The direction of future research on high ammonium groundwater that should be deepened and expanded was proposed, mainly including the combination of macro-model and micro-mechanism, the control of the organic carbon age, and the influence of high ammonium groundwater discharge on the nutrient status of surface water.


