ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Nutrient dynamics and discharge in a coastal sandy beach aquifer

    • 摘要: 正确认识营养物质在地下咸淡水过渡带的行为,准确量化营养物质通过地下水的入海输入量,对近岸海域生态环境保护与治理具有重要意义。文章以广东北津湾砂质海滩为研究对象,通过对海滩地下水分层取样与测试分析,揭示海滩地下水营养盐分布特征与迁移转化规律,评估海底地下水排泄(submarine groundwater discharge,SGD)及其携带营养盐入海通量,阐释潜在环境影响。研究结果表明:(1)与地表水相比,海滩地下水具有较高的营养盐含量,地下水中硝酸盐+亚硝酸盐( \mathrmN\mathrmO_x^- )、磷酸盐( \mathrmP\mathrmO_4^3- )和硅(Si)浓度由陆向海、从浅层到深层逐渐降低,经过咸淡水过渡带后 \mathrmN\mathrmO_x^- 和 \mathrmP\mathrmO_4^3- 发生了非保守移除; \mathrmN\mathrmO_x^- 主要通过反硝化作用进行脱氮,从陆向海其浓度衰减了95.81%;而 \mathrmP\mathrmO_4^3- 主要是被铁的氧化物/氢氧化物终产物吸附去除;海滩中部地下水中产生了氨氮( \mathrmN\mathrmH_4^+ )热区, \mathrmN\mathrmH_4^+ 发生了非保守增加,主要是有机物分解释放。(2)整个海湾SGD值为1.49×106 m3/d,与当地河流入海量相当;SGD携带输入的溶解无机氮、 \mathrmP\mathrmO_4^3- 和Si分别为983.0,37.00,4023 kg/d,是海洋营养盐的重要来源之一。(3)海滩地下水具有较高的氮磷比(平均值139.6)和硅磷比(平均值274.1),远高于Redfiled比及海水的氮磷比(21.03)和硅磷比(33.12),影响海湾营养盐组成与结构。砂质海滩广泛分布,研究结果可为该类型海域生态环境的管理提供科学依据。


      Abstract: It is of great significance to understand the behavior of nutrients in the groundwater seawater mixing zone (GSMZ) and quantify the input of terrestrial nutrients into the sea. This study focuses on the coastal sandy beach of Beijin Bay, Guangdong Province. Based on the stratified sampling and analysis of the hydrochemical composition of coastal groundwater, this study investigated the distribution characteristics, migration, and transformation of nutrients in coastal groundwater.The submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and associated nutrient flux into the sea were also evaluated, exploring the potential environmental impacts on coastal water. The results show that compared with surface water, coastal groundwater had higher nutrient content. The concentrations of nitrate and nitrite ( \mathrmN\mathrmO_x^- ), phosphate ( \mathrmP\mathrmO_4^3- ) and silicate (Si) in groundwater gradually decreased from land to sea and from shallow layer to deep layer. Non-conservative removal of \mathrmN\mathrmO_x^- and \mathrmP\mathrmO_4^3- occurred after passing through the GSMZ. \mathrmN\mathrmO_x^- was mainly removed by denitrification reaction, with the concentration decreasing by 95.81% from land to sea, while \mathrmP\mathrmO_4^3- was mainly removed primarily by the adsorption to iron oxide/hydroxide end products. A hotspot of ammonia nitrogen ( \mathrmN\mathrmH_4^+ ) was generated in the middle of the aquifer, and non-conservative addition of \mathrmN\mathrmH_4^+ occurred, mainly due to the decomposition and release of organic matter. The estimated SGD rate was 1.49×106 m3/d, comparable to local river discharge. SGD-derived nutrients were estimated to be 983.0 kg/d for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), 37.00 kg/d for \mathrmP\mathrmO_4^3- , and 4023 kg/d for Si, making SGD a a significant source of nutrients to coastal waters. In addition, groundwater had a high ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus (mean: 139.6) and ratio of silicon to phosphorus (mean: 274.1), while the ratios in seawater were 21.03 and 33.12, respectively. SGD with high ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus had important impacts on the nutrient structure of coastal seawater. Sandy beaches are widely distributed, and the findings of this study can provide scientific basis for the management of ecological environment in similar areas.


