ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Hydrochemical characteristics and water quality dynamic analysis of shallow groundwater in Huaibei Plain

    • 摘要: 浅层地下水是淮北平原最重要的农业用水供水水源,水质状况广受关注。本次研究采用数理统计、舒卡列夫分类、Piper三线图和水质综合评价得出淮北平原浅层地下水水化学水质现状,运用Gibbs图和离子比值关系分析了水化学物质来源,应用主成分分析法筛选影响地下水质量的典型因子并推演时空演变规律。结果表明淮北平原浅层地下水多为弱碱性淡水,pH值为6.6~8.6,溶解性总固体(TDS)为192~5302 mg/L,主要水化学类型共8类,主要阴离子为\mathrmHCO_3^- ,阳离子为Na+、Ca2+,地下水质量以Ⅳ类水为主;水岩作用主要受硅酸盐岩-碳酸盐岩岩石风化作用影响,从上游淮北平原到中游淮北平原,岩石风化溶解的水岩作用由碳酸盐岩向硅酸盐岩再向蒸发盐岩演化。通过主成分分析选取溶解性总固体、耗氧量、硝酸盐作为典型因子研究水质动态演化规律,淮北平原浅层地下水质量在2010—2021年经历了明显好转后略有下降,但典型因子的表现不尽相同;受原生地质环境影响,淮北平原浅层地下水可溶物质总量趋向于面状集中分布,高值点增多且大多分布于中游淮北平原,氧化还原条件从还原环境向氧化环境演变,2010—2018年农业活动等人为污染在上游淮北平原局部加重,但在2018年后得到明显改善。研究结果可为淮北平原区浅层地下水污染防治、地下水资源保护提供技术支撑。


      Abstract: Shallow groundwater is the most important source of agricultural water supply in Huaibei Plain, and its water quality has attracted wide attention. In this study, mathematical statistics, Shukarev classification, Piper diagram, and comprehensive evaluation of water quality were used to obtain the Hydrochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater in Huaibei Plain. The sources of water chemicals were analyzed by Gibbs diagram and ion ratio relationship, while principal component analysis (PCA) was used to screen key factors influencing water quality. The spatiotemporal evolution of groundwater quality was further examined. The results show that the shallow groundwater in Huaibei Plain is mostly weakly alkaline fresh water, with pH values of 6.6~8.6 and total dissolved solids (TDS) ranging from 192 mg/L to 5302 mg/L. The groundwater exhibits eight hydrochemical types, with \mathrmHCO_3^- as the dominant anion and Na+ and Ca2+ as the primary cations, and is primarily classified as Class IV water in terms of quality. The water-rock interaction is mainly affected by the weathering of silicate-carbonate rocks. From the upper reaches of the Huaibei Plain to the middle reaches of the Huaibei Plain, the water-rock interaction of dissolved rock weathering evolves from carbonate rocks to silicate-carbonate rocks and then to evaporative rocks. Through principal component analysis, total dissolved solids, oxygen consumption, and nitrate were identified as key indicators for analyzing groundwater quality dynamics. From 2010 to 2021, groundwater quality showed significant improvement, followed by a slight decline. However, different key indicators exhibited varied trends. Due to the natural geological environment, the total amount of soluble substances in shallow groundwater in the Huaibei Plain tends to be distributed in a planar pattern, and the high value points increased, and most of them are distributed in the middle reaches of the Huaibei Plain. The redox condition changes from reducing environment to oxidizing environment. From 2010 to 2018, agricultural activities increased in the upper reaches of the Huaibei Plain, but notable improvements have been observed since 2018. This study provides technical support for the prevention and control of shallow groundwater pollution and protection of groundwater resources in Huaibei Plain area.


