ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Regionalization study of mine geological environment in Jiangsu

    • 摘要: 随着矿业经济发展由“资源开发”向“资源开发与环境保护并重”的转变,矿山地质环境保护与治理已成为生态省建设的主要内容之一。因此,合理划定矿山地质环境保护与治理区域,对改善生态环境意义重大。本文以江苏矿山地质环境调查成果为基础,基于矿山地质环境的自然属性和社会属性,建立了由2个目标层、5个约束层和12个指标层构成的江苏矿山地质环境区划评价指标体系。在MAPGIS技术支持下,采用综合指数模型,将各区划因子按其权重进行空间代数叠加,根据叠加的结果并结合矿山开采现状,将关闭矿区划定为矿山地质环境重点治理区和一般治理区;将开采矿区划定为矿山地质环境重点防治区和一般防治区。


      Abstract: With the mining economic development from resources exploitation to exploitation and protection, mine geological environment protection and management have become the main content of ecoprovince construction. Therefore, a reasonable delineation of the mine geological environment protection and management areas is of major significance to improve the ecological environment. Based on the survey results of the Jiangsu mine geological environment, this article considers natural and social properties and establishes the regionalization of Jiangsu mine geological environment evaluation system, which includes 2 target layers, 5 layers and 12 index layers. Under the support of MAPGIS technique, using the comprehensive index model, each division factor is algebraic space stacked by their weights. According to the stacking result and mining situation, closed mining areas are divided into key management and general management of geological environment, while the mining areas are divided into the key prevention and cure ones and prevention and cure ones of geological environment.


