ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Groundwater quality monitoring and assessment

    • 摘要: 地下水由于分布广、水质好且开发费用低而成为全世界重要的供水水源。中国北方生活供水的一半来自地下水,地下水也是干旱期重要的农业灌溉水源。然而,地下水水质日益面临来自农业、工业和城市污染源的威胁。地下水水质监测是评价水质状况最可靠的方法,并可作为供水水源保护的早期预警系统。它为水管理部门和水用户提供可靠的科学数据以便更好地管理和保护地下水资源。世界上正在执行两个巨大的地下水质监测和评价项目:一个是欧盟的水框架计划;另一个是美国的国家水质评价计划。文章评述了地下水水质监测的现状,介绍了地下水易污性评价、地下水污染源分级和地下水污染风险评价的方法。地下水易污性分区图是土地利用规划和供水水源保护的基础。地下水污染源分级结果为污染源治理提供了优先顺序。地下水污染风险分区图圈划出地下水污染的高风险区,为地下水资源保护和地下水污染监测提供重要的依据。


      Abstract: Because of its wide availability,good quality and cost-effective for the development,groundwater has been an important source for water supply in the world.Groundwater accounts for more than half of the total water supply and provides important source of irrigation water during dry period in North China.However,the quality of groundwater is under great pressure of pollution from agricultural,industrial and domestic sources.Groundwater quality monitoring is the only reliable method to assess the groundwater quality status and serves as an early warning system to protect water supply sources.It provides unbiased scientific information for decision makers,water managers and water users for better management and protection of groundwater resources.The largest ongoing campaigns on groundwater quality monitoring and assessments are the groundwater monitoring for implementing European Union Water Framework Directive in Europe and the National Water Quality Assessment program in the United States of America.In this paper,the state of the art of groundwater quality monitoring in the world and methodologies for groundwater vulnerability assessment,pollution sources rating and groundwater pollution risk assessment were reviewed.Groundwater vulnerability map provides important information for land use planning and water supply sources protection.Groundwater pollution sources rating indicates most hazardous pollution sources and therefore provides a priority list for controlling the sources of pollution.Groundwater pollution risk map indicates the areas of potential serious pollution and can be used as a basis to locate sampling sites for groundwater pollution monitoring.These methods have been applied to the Urumqi River Basin,Beijing Plain and Jinan Karst Spring Catchment and presented in subsequent papers.


