ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Monitoring of groundwater quality in Urumqi River Basin

    • 摘要: 文章运用地下水易污性编图及污染源分布图法进行了乌鲁木齐河流域地下水水质监测网设计。共设计了130监测孔,现有46个监测孔,另需要84个新的监测孔。按监测类型分为面源监测点22个,点源监测点87个,重点水源地与泉水监测点21个。按监测运行分长期监测点55个,流域普查监测点75个。普查监测点监测频率为1次/5年,长期监测点监测频率为1次/年。首期有针对性地在污染严重的柴窝堡新化厂排污区、乌鲁木齐河谷老排污区、米泉污灌区、米泉工业污染区、老龙河污染区取了25个污染水样测试分析,结果显示地下水已经受到严重污染。


      Abstract: This paper describes the design of a regional groundwater quality monitoring network for Urumqi River Basin.Groundwater vulnerability map and distribution of pollution sources were used to locate sampling sites.The designed quality network consists of 130 monitoring wells,46 of which are existing wells and 84 are new wells.22 wells are used to monitor pollution from diffusive sources,87 for point sources and 21 for water supply well fields and springs.55 wells are operational monitoring wells with a sampling of frequency of once a year.75 are surveillance monitoring wells with a frequency of sampling once every 5 years.25 samples were taken from 5 high pollution risk areas for analysis.The results show that groundwater in these areas are heavily polluted.


