ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Measurement of the pre-stress and calculation of the pre-stress loss in anti-slide pile with pre-stress anchor cable

    • 摘要: 某公路路基形成了高达28m的直立超高边坡,采用预应力锚索抗滑桩进行加固,桩长39m,最大悬臂高度28m。为确保边坡整治工程的安全施工及正常运行,选取了3根预应力锚索抗滑桩(7#、2#、4#)上的锚索作为监测对象,从锚索张拉之日起,定期对锚索的受力情况进行测试。本文重点对预应力锚索抗滑桩中的预应力损失值进行了定量计算,系统分析了影响锚索预应力损失的各项因素,为预应力锚索的设计、施工以及工程管理等提供了理论依据。


      Abstract: It is rare that a 28 meter vertical slope of the highway’s roadbed is formed in need of topography and planning.Anti-slide piles with pre-stress anchor cable were adopted for reinforcement of the slope,the length of piles is 39 meter,and the most cantilever height of piles is 28 meter.Anchor cables of three anti-slide piles(7#、2#、4#) have been regularly tested since they were tensioned. Quantity of the pre-stress loss of anchor cable of the anti-slide piles was calculated for construction safety and normal operation of landslide with remedial work,each factor which affects the pre-stress loss of anchor cable in system was analyzed in the paper,it provides theoretical basis for the design and management of the anchor cables thereafter.


