ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Analyses of contamination causes of groundwater and mineral water in the piedmont of the Panshan Mountain

    • 摘要: 文章利用主成分分析方法,结合揭示变量和样品之间在成因或空间上联系的对应分析,通过SPSS统计分析软件,对盘山山前地区地下水和矿泉水污染成因进行分析。研究表明,盘山山前存在地下水和矿泉水污染;局部范围的污染主要是由于食品厂等企业的排污引起的,污染成分主要是Cl-和NO3—N,主要污染地区是塔院地区,其次是西大佛塔至南营,污染程度与至污染源的距离有关;大部分地区存在三氮面状污染,农业氮肥的施用是其主要原因。


      Abstract: By using the principal component analysis of the interrelationship among research variables and mutual correspondence analysis between variables and samples in the causes or spatial relation,the causes of contamination of groundwater and mineral water in the piedmont of the Panshan Mountain were analyzed in this paper.The contamination causes were also examined by using the SPSS.The research results show that the groundwater and mineral water have been contaminated in this area.The pollution in certain areas was induced by food factory,etc.The main pollutants are Cl-and NO3—N.The major pollution areas lay in Tayuan.The other pollution areas are situated from Xidafeta to Nanying.The contamination degree is related to the distance from the pollution source.The majority of the areas face the pollution of ammonia,nitrite and nitrate.Nitrogen fertilizer application inducing non-point source pollution is the main reason for groundwater contamination in the area.


