Numerical simulation of salinity transport for initial impoundment of Muguandao reservoir
摘要: 沐官岛水库是一个拟建的河口海湾水库,库底为富含咸水的潮滩沉积物。这一特殊的地质及水环境条件直接关系到水库未来的水质安全和正常的调度运行,所以必须准确地确定水库水体中盐分空间分布这一关键问题。本文依据现场调查、钻探及室内实验资料,通过垂直方向线性插值技术,建立了沐官岛水库蓄水初期盐分运移准三维模型,模拟了水库蓄水初期在内源盐分释放影响下,库水盐分的演化过程。结果表明:若遇平水年开始蓄水,当蓄水至1.5m时,该层含盐量在平面上的变化范围主要在0.30~1.30g/L之间;当蓄水至4.5m时,该层含盐量在平面上的变化范围主要在0.30~1.55g/L。Abstract: Muguandao reservoir is a proposed estuarine project and at the bottom are tidal deposits laden with salt water.In such a special geological and water environment,salt water in the deposits will intrude into the overlying fresh water,which will affect the water quality and normal operation of the reservoir.It is therefore important to identify the spatial extent of salt.Based on site survey,drilling and laboratory data,a quasi-3D model is established by linear interpolation in vertical direction,...