Changes study of groundwater quality of Xijiao well fields and downtown springs in Jinan
摘要: 文章以济南西郊水源地(峨眉山水厂和大杨庄水厂)和济南中心城区的四大泉群作为研究对象,通过比较和分析20世纪80年代和2005年、2006年的水化学和稳定同位素数据,认为20多年以来,济南泉域补给区和排泄区的环境都发生了很大变化,导致非矿物溶解的SO42-输入增加,与Mg2+不成比例。目前西郊水源地开采的地下水为灰岩水顶托补给和当地大气降水的混合,而市区四大泉群相当于灰岩水顶托补给和当地浅层地下水之间的混合。Abstract: This paper studied changes of groundwater quality in Xijiao well fields and four springs in the downtown of Jinan city by comparing and analyzing the hydrochemical and isotopic data in 1984,1989,2005 and 2006,respectively.The results showed that great environmental changes had been happened in the recharge area and discharge area in Jinan since 1980’s.This changes resulted in non-mineral solution SO42-input increased,which was disproportionate with Mg2+.Presently,the exploited water