Discussion of the rules of building the regional hydrogeological spatial data bank
摘要: 空间数据库建设的规则概念贯穿于整个工作对象、工作过程、工作结果。实践表明:对现有空间数据建设规则理解的正确与否在很大的程度上决定着空间数据库设计的成败,本文结合区域水文地质信息的特性,阐述了建库过程中为使区域水文地质信息达到多学科共享而设立的具体规则,为后期区域水工环空间数据库建设提供有效的参考途径,从而更好的为相关项目的顺利完成提供了技术支撑。Abstract: The rules and concept of construction of special date bank run through all the working objects,course and result.It proved that comprehending exactly the rule of construction special date bank is important.it is crucial in the process of devising the construction of special date bank.Combining the characteristic of hydrogeology information in area.this article set forth concretely the rule in the course of constructing the special date bank,so that all the hydrogeology information in area may sh...