ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Experimental study on engineering criterion of water-physical property of red beds rock

    • 摘要: 为评价红层岩土与水相互作用程度,通过对红层岩土崩解性、膨胀性、胶结性、软化性、承载比等工程性质试验研究,提出了岩土水稳定性的工程分析思路,建立了崩解指标、软化系数、胶结系数、自由膨胀率、承载比软化系数等指标组成的红层岩土水稳定性综合判别标准,将红层岩土分为水稳定性强、水稳定性中等、水稳定性差三类。


      Abstract: In order to evaluate the interaction degree between red beds rock and water,the properties of slaking,swelling,softening,cementing and CBR are studied in laboratory;the method of rock water stability analysis is advanced;the engineering criterion of red beds rock water stability is established,including of slaking type,free swelling ratio,soft coefficient,cementation coefficient,California Bearing Ratio(CBR) soft coefficient.According to the water stability criterion,the red beds rock is classif...


