The key factors affecting settlement in ground fillings
摘要: 文章利用弹塑性有限元方法建立了路基与地基的模型,采用分层加载的方法,选用弹性模量、粘聚力、内摩擦角作为参数,模拟出路基与地基在施工各阶段的应力与变形沉降的真实过程。提出一个观点:地基在外荷载作用下的沉降变形是公路变形的主要部分,而路基本身压缩变形量很小。在满足规范要求施工情形下,公路沉降变形量的绝大部分是地基变形,所以地基变形应受到足够重视。Abstract: In this paper,a model of roadbed and ground is established by using the elastic-plastic finite element method and the method of stratification incremental loading is also used.By selecting the elasticity coefficient,the cohesive force,the angle of internal friction as parameters,the real process of stress and the distortion and subsidence of roadbed and the foundation soil in various construction stages is simulated.The results show that distortion and subsidence of ground under the effect of th...