The geological features of Danxia landform in the east part of Qinghai Province
摘要: 青海东部诸多中新生代断陷盆地中广泛分布着陆生红色碎屑岩地层。受构造活动影响,在以流水侵蚀为主的外力作用下,形成了具有高原特色、形态各异的丹霞地貌景观,从形态上初步可分为"陡崖式"、"象形式"、"宫殿式"和"蜂窝式"等几种类型。青海东部丹霞地貌景观资源丰富,但研究程度较低,本文试图通过对掌握的丹霞地貌景观的地质地貌特征的阐述,说明青海东部丹霞地貌景观的地学研究价值、景观资源保护价值和旅游科普价值,以期从加强地质地貌学研究的角度促进旅游开发。Abstract: Red clastic rock strata are widely distributed in a lot of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic downfaulted basins in the eastern part of Qinghai.Affected by the tectonic activities and by the external forces especially water erosion,they formed Danxia landsforms of various shapes with plateau characteristics,which can be divided into the types of scarp,pictographic character,palace,honeycomb etc.Danxia landsforms around in the eastern part of Qinghai.By expounding the geological features of Danxia landsfo...