ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Analysis of the genetic mechanism of ground fractures along Xi’an metro line 2

    • 摘要: 西安地铁二号线沿线地裂缝主要包括西安地裂缝、长安地裂缝和次级裂缝f0。西安地裂缝总体为北东走向,活动方式为南倾南降,分布在临潼—长安断裂带(FN)上盘。长安地裂缝目前活动性较弱,处于隐伏状态。本文简要介绍了沿线地裂缝的基本情况,并在地裂缝勘察成果的基础上分析归纳得出,西安地裂缝的形成与深部构造活动有关,现今的超常活动与过量抽汲深层承压水导致地面不均匀沉降有关。长安地裂缝成因有两种:一种是构造成因,一种是重力成因。


      Abstract: The ground fractures along Xi’an metro line 2 include Xi’an ground fractures,Chang’an ground fractures and geotectonic ground fracture No.f0.Xi’an ground fractures,generally trending NE,move in the way that the southeast block subsides relatively.They all distribute on the upper block of Lintong-Chang’an fault belt.Chang’an ground fractures are moving weekly,lying in the way of buried.The basic information of ground fractures along Xi’an metro line 2 has been briefly introduced.The genetic mechanism of ground fracture has been analyzed based on the result of ground fractures investigation.The formation of Xi’an ground fractures is mainly caused by geotectonic movement,and the extraordinary movement is mainly resulted from uneven ground subsidence that caused by the excessive pumping of deep-seated confined groundwater.Chang’an ground fractures have two kinds of genetic mechanism,one is tectonic genesis and the othe is gravity genesis.


