ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Stress transfer model of bamboo-steel composite anchor

    • 摘要: 楠竹加筋复合锚杆是一种用于土遗址土体加固的新型锚杆。本文从复合材料力学的角度分析了楠竹复合锚杆内部系统的工作机理,推导了复合锚杆内部系统层间切应力的传递模型。复合锚杆的内部工作机理研究表明,管材的弹性模量与杆材的弹性模量比值、内粘结剂的剪切模量等对楠竹复合锚杆内部荷载传递影响较大。通过分析认为,可以通过改变管材与杆材弹性模量的比值、调整内粘结剂的配比等措施,从而使复合锚杆内部层间应力传递曲线达到最优化状态。


      Abstract: Bamboo-steel composite anchor(BSC composite anchor) is a newly designed anchor for stabilization of soil strata encountered in earthen historical site.From the perspective of composite mechanics of bamboo composite bolt mechanism of the work of internal systems,we put forward the internal system of bolt shear stress layer transfer model.Composite anchor mechanism of the work show that pipe-elastic modulus and the elastic modulus influence the material value of the shear modulus of the binder such as bamboo composite bolt greater impact on the internal load transfer.We found that the internal layer of stress transfer curve can be achieved to optimal state using the following measures: changing the pipe with wood-modulus of elasticity ratio,etc.


