ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Field test research on erosion rate of loess cave

    • 摘要: 文章通过对三组人工和天然黄土洞穴进行了现场侵蚀速率试验,对比分析降水量对黄土斜坡洞穴侵蚀速率的影响,同时分析在相同时间段里进入洞穴的水量与该时间段内的侵蚀速率的变化关系。试验结果表明:人工黄土洞穴侵蚀速率随着水流量的增大而增大,而对于天然洞穴则相反;在相同时间段里,黄土天然洞穴的侵蚀速率随进入洞穴水量速度的增加反而减小,且黄土洞穴的侵蚀速率较水流量具有滞后现象。


      Abstract: In this paper,based on three field tests of erosion rate with artificial and natural loess,influence on erosion rate of loess slope cave caused by precipitation is analyzed,and the relationship between erosion ratewater and water volume carried into cave of the same time quantum is studied.The test results indicate that the erosion rate of artificial loess cave is increased with the increase of flow velocity,and for the natural cave,the regularity is opposite. In the same time quantum,erosion rate of loess cave is decreased with the increase of the water and water volume carried into cave.Compared with rainfall,hysteresis phenomenon can be found for the erosion rate.


