Application of monitoring and measuring on buried culvert for South-to-north water transfer project across Xisihuan-road bridges in Beijing
摘要: 南水北调西四环暗涵工程为京石段控制性工程,下穿北京市西四环路桥梁30余座,桥梁的安全至关重要。在暗涵施工过程中对桥梁实施了有效的监控量测技术,通过自动化监测和常规监测手段获取数据,然后对监测数据进行详细分析、对比,以研究暗涵下穿桥梁施工过程中桥梁的受力变形协调过程。结果表明:墩柱差异沉降小于允许沉降的80%;墩柱倾斜值小于允许值的30%。监控工作做到了过程预警、过程控制,规避了工程风险,对类似工程具有借鉴意义。Abstract: Buried culverts across Xisihuan-road bridges in Beijing was one part of the most important engineering project for South-to-north water transfer project in Beijijng.The security of bridges over Xisihuan-road becomes very important for construction since the channel would pass through more than thirty bridges. This paper presented a solution to control the risk of bridges based on bridge deformation cased by buried culverts construction,in which the deformation of bridge was detected by automatic and routine monitoring system,while the risk of deformation was assessed by a set of control parameters including the degree of differential settlement and the gradient of inclined of bridge pier.