Imaging fracture connectivity using hydraulic tomography
摘要: 含水层裂隙带的识别,是准确模拟计算地下水流和污染扩散的前提。本研究通过数值实验,运用近年来发展起来的水力地质层析方法,对含水层裂隙带成像。文章设定一个17m×17m的二维垂直饱和裂隙含水层,含水层有2口斜井。在斜井与裂隙带的交叉点分别进行抽水试验,由感应器收集水位响应数据,运用VSAFT2对裂隙带进行识别。数值实验证明,水力层析法结合地下水流的逆算方法——连续线性算法(SSLE),可以比较准确地识别非均质含水层的参数分布;非稳定流条件下的识别结果好于稳定流的结果;信息齐全条件下的结果好于资料缺乏时的结果。Abstract: In many field studies,fractures are found to dominate the flow and transport processes.In this paper,we have applied hydraulic tomography technology to synthetic fractured rocks that permits "imaging" of the connectivity of fractured rocks.The hypothetical aquifer was a two-dimensional vertical square domain of 17×17 square meters with two orthogonal fracture zones.We assumed that two inclined boreholes were installed in the domain to demonstrate the capability of hydraulic tomography by using V...