ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Study on transforming relationship among surface water,precipitation and groundwater along Fenhe River in Taiyuan Basin

    • 摘要: 文章通过分析太原盆地汾河中游干流河水和浅层地下水的水化学和同位素资料,研究汾河干流河水与浅层地下水和大气降水之间的转化关系。结果表明:总体而言,汾河中游干流河水的补给来源以浅层地下水为主,其次为大气降水;河水在向下游径流过程中,大气降水的补给比例逐渐增大,在河流流出太原盆地附近河水主要由大气降水补给。


      Abstract: With analyzing geochemical characteristics of surface water and groundwater including isotope information,a research work was carried out to investigate transforming relationship among surface water,precipitation and groundwater along Fenhe River in Taiyuan Basin.The results indicated that the recharge source of mainstream in Fenhe comprised of groundwater and precipitation,but the ratio of two sources changed along the river,in which groundwater was the main source of recharge in the upstream b...


