Experimental study on buoyancy effect on deep foundation in clay
摘要: 本文运用模型试验方法,对粘土层中深基础上的地下水浮力的力学效应进行分析,主要探讨不同水位下地下水浮力的变化规律和地下水浮力随时间的动态变化过程。试验结果表明,实测的地下水浮力始终比按阿基米德定律计算的理论水浮力要小,具体的变化规律可用折减系数来表示,不同水位下地下水浮力的变化规律基本相同,在水位刚达到时的折减系数达到0.3~0.4。随着时间的增长,折减系数逐步增大,最终达到0.65~0.72。Abstract: The mechanical effect of the buoyancy acting on deep foundation in clay is studied by model experiment in this paper.There are two aspects in the experiment.One is to understand the disciplinarian of buoyancy with water level in clay.Another is to observe the dynamic process of buoyancy with time in clay.The results indicate that the measured buoyancy is less than the theoretic buoyancy calculated by Archimedes’s law.And the difference can be expressed as reduction coefficient.The reduction coef...