A study of the investigation guideline on landslides,rockfalls and debris flow hazards
摘要: 文章提出了滑坡崩塌泥石流灾害详细调查的基本原则,即区域展开、重点突破,突出重点、兼顾一般,调查区分级,充分利用新技术新方法,调查与科研相结合等。滑坡崩塌泥石流灾害详细调查具有强化形成条件和机理研究、多种调查方法结合、成果图件规范化和实用化等特点,可划分为遥感调查、地面调查、工程地质测绘和勘查四个层次,并指出遥感调查、地面调查、工程地质测绘勘查、地球物理勘探、野外和室内试验、长观动态监测等是其主要技术手段和方法。Abstract: The basic principle of investigation on landslides,rockfalls and debris flow hazards is considered to be regional extension,break-through in a local area,emphasizing the classification of the survey regions,adopting previous achievements and combining with the advanced technologies.Geological setting and mechanism of these geological hazards,integrating of survey methods,the standardization and availability of the report and mapping were emphasized in the investigation.Four primary kinds of the ...