Formation mechanism of water compositions in the middle part of the Dousitu River
摘要: 在分析研究区地质及水文地质条件的基础上,根据对各类水样资料的研究,发现在都思兔河中段,对于相对惰性的组分,河水的化学成分由湖水与地下水混合形成;但对于易发生化学反应的组分,湖水在向下游运动的过程中,其化学成分明显受到了化学反应的影响。论文使用Cl-质量平衡方法,计算出该段河水中地下水的补给比例在50%以上;并且根据研究区的具体条件及矿物饱和指数的计算结果,确定石膏的溶解、方解石和白云石的沉淀以及CO2逸出是河水化学成分形成的主要化学作用,通过对化学反应量的计算,恢复了湖水与地下水仅发生了简单混合作用的混合水的成分。Abstract: On the basis of analyses of hydrogeology of the study area,the characteristics of chemical compositions of lake water,river water and groundwater were analyzed.The results show that for the relatively inert species,the compositions of the river water can be obtained by the mixing of groundwater with river water in the upper part of the river,but for the reactive species,their compositions are obviously affected by water-rock interactions.By using the mass balance of Cl-,the mixing proportion of ...