ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Modeling the transportation of pollutants in shallow groundwater in the landfill site near a medium city

    • 摘要: 根据野外调查及取样分析,文章分析了某中小城市生活垃圾场区地下水污染组分特征,建立了研究区污染组分CODcr和Cl-的数学迁移模型,进行了CODcr、Cl-污染因子在地下水中的迁移模拟。模拟结果与实测值基本一致,证明建立的数学模型是合理的,并解释了类似Cl-的较为稳定的污染组分和类似于CODcr的易降解吸附污染组分在该区地下水中的迁移规律。


      Abstract: Based on the results of field investigation and analyses of the water samples near an urban landfill site,the characteristics of groundwater pollution are discussed in this paper.A numerical model is built for the simulation of groundwater migration of pollutants.The fitting shows that the mathematical model is reasonable.By using the model to forecast the migration of COD_ cr and Cl,we get the results of those kinds of pollutants in the area. 更多还原


