Assessment of groundwater vulnerability and risk to pollution in Zhangji
摘要: 文章在地下水易污性和污染风险评价方法的基础上,根据张集地区的水文地质状况和土地利用情况,建立了地区地下水易污性和污染风险评价的指标方法:GRADIC法和GRADICL法,并利用GIS/Arcinfo软件对地区地下水易污性和污染风险进行评价,得到张集地区地下水易污性指数和污染风险指数及其分布图。评价结果对于张集地区地下水合理开发利用、科学管理和有效保护,实现地区地下水资源的可持续利用具有实际意义。Abstract: On the basis of the current assessment methods for groundwater vulnerability and risk to pollution and of the local situation and available data in Zhangji,GRADIC and GRADICL methods were created by selecting the assessment parameters and used in the study area.The distribution maps of groundwater vulnerability and risk were derived and the results show that the study area is more or less vulnerable or risky to pollution than other areas.Comparison of the assessment results between the two methods illustrates the difference in groundwater vulnerability and risk to pollution.The assessment results will be beneficial to the scientific management and effective protection of groundwater resources in the area.