ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Transport of organic contaminants through a composite liner

    • 摘要: 有机污染物在垃圾填埋场复合衬垫中有两种不同的运移方式:土工膜上缺陷处污染物的运移和完好复合衬垫中污染物的扩散。文章分别用有限差分法和解析法对两种方式下污染物的累积量进行计算,分析了两种方式对有机污染物运移所做的贡献。研究表明:GCL(人工合成材料粘土衬垫)复合衬垫以有机污染物在完好复合衬垫中的扩散为主,可以忽略缺陷处污染物的运移;而CCL(压实黏土衬垫)复合衬垫中两种运移方式所做的贡献在同一数量级,需要考虑两种方式的共同作用。在GCL复合衬垫下铺设粘土层能有效改善GCL复合衬垫对有机污染物的阻止效果。


      Abstract: There are two different ways for organic contaminants to transport through a composite liner.One is the transport through defect in geo-membranes,and the other is the diffusion through an intact composite liner.The accumulated contaminant mass through a liner was calculated with finite difference method and analytical method.The masses of the two ways were analyzed.For GCL(geo-synthetic clay liner)composite liner,diffusion is the main way and transport through defect can be defaulted.While for CCL(compacted clay liner)composite liner,both the two ways are important.GM+GCL+subsoil liner was very effective to retard the transport of organic contaminants.


