ISSN 1000-3665 CN 11-2202/P


    Analytical and semi-analytical methods for the seepage field dammed by underground structures

    • 摘要: 针对当前地下空间开发引起的地下水渗流场变化量化评价需要,本文就渗流场受地下结构阻隔后的稳定流状态下的流量及各部位(上游段、阻隔段和下游段)的水位计算公式进行了探讨,分别导出了上、下阻隔两种情况下的承压水问题的解析解和潜水问题的半解析解,并利用数值试验直观解释了一些阻隔现象,以及获得了小水力梯度条件下潜水问题半解析解可以用同条件下的承压水问题解析解来近似的结论。


      Abstract: Aiming at the requirements of quantifying the changes of seepage field dammed by underground structures,the formula of the flow quantity and ground water level distribution of each part(upstream part,dammed part and downstream part) are discussed under the steady state after the seepage field has been dammed.An analytical method for groundwater flow field in a confined aquifer and a semi-analytical method for groundwater flow field in an unconfined aquifer are deduced respectively,after they have been up-dammed and down-dammed.Some numerical tests are conducted in order to illustrate the damming effect.The results indicate that the semi-analytical method for groundwater flow field can be approximated by the analytical method for the confined aquifer when the natural hydraulic gradient before damming is small.


